Op 04/07/2021 om 14:42 schreef BayashiPascal:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
>> Op 4-7-2021 om 11:09 schreef Mike Horvath:
>>> On 7/4/2021 2:20 AM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>>>> 2) I have seen on a couple of occasions (on TV), archaeologists make a
>>>> lot of photographs of an object, under all kind of angles, and later
>>>> combine those into a 3d model (with software of course). I saw that
>>>> geology students recently used a drone to photograph the walls of a
>>>> quarry in the same manner, and assembled them into a 3d model of the
>>>> quarry. Fascinating stuff, and relatively cheap to implement,
>>>> especially for students I understood.
>>> I wonder *how* cheap it really is. Probably *not* cheap, in terms of the
>>> work and expertise involved.
>> I don't really know. What I understood, in particular from the Chinese
>> example, was that the hardware came 'cheap' as only a perfectly common
>> digital camera was needed and no sophisticated laser-controlled stuff.
>> And a simple stepladder in addition, to get around the statues. The same
>> applied for the students with their drone. Concerning the software, I
>> have no idea. The results looked good however, and I doubt that they had
>> any particularly high expertise in the matter.
>> --
>> Thomas
> You can indeed produce good results with a standard camera. The software itself,
> if not freeware is quite expensive, but if they were students it's probably
> provided by their university and that's surely not much compared to a university
> budget. About expertise, if they were students, that very probably mean they had
> teachers with a high level of expertise to guide them.
I agree. I just came across the publication(s) - in Dutch unfortunately
- I mentioned earlier. It is the software indeed which is (relatively)
expensive. It makes use of the "Structure from Motion" photogrammetry
technique. See examples in:
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