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What is the correct method of calculating and specifying Lumens in
Light_Color(light_temp, light_lumens)
Do I need to know the distance and diameter of the Sun beforehand? What
about fade_power and fade_distance?
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Le 19-06-11 à 21:32, Mike Horvath a écrit :
> What is the correct method of calculating and specifying Lumens in
> LightSysIV?
> Light_Color(light_temp, light_lumens)
> Do I need to know the distance and diameter of the Sun beforehand? What
> about fade_power and fade_distance?
> Thanks.
> Michael
For the Sun, don't bother with light fading : Use a light with the
parallel option and you are good. Unless your scene scale is
interplanetary, the fading over the extent of your scene is totally
For the extent of the Sun when using an area_light, make it's diameter
about 0.01 of the distance. Not exact, but close enough.
For more normal lights, the fade_power must be 2. No other value is
For fade_distance : Make it small. For an area_light, it should be about
the width of the light. For point light, a value of about 0.1 is correct.
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On 6/12/2019 1:25 PM, Alain wrote:
> For the Sun, don't bother with light fading : Use a light with the
> parallel option and you are good. Unless your scene scale is
> interplanetary, the fading over the extent of your scene is totally
> negligible.
> For the extent of the Sun when using an area_light, make it's diameter
> about 0.01 of the distance. Not exact, but close enough.
> For more normal lights, the fade_power must be 2. No other value is
> realistic.
> For fade_distance : Make it small. For an area_light, it should be about
> the width of the light. For point light, a value of about 0.1 is correct.
Thanks. What about Lumens? Should Lumens always equal 1 for parallel
lights mimicking the Sun?
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On 13-6-2019 4:50, Mike Horvath wrote:
> On 6/12/2019 1:25 PM, Alain wrote:
>> For the Sun, don't bother with light fading : Use a light with the
>> parallel option and you are good. Unless your scene scale is
>> interplanetary, the fading over the extent of your scene is totally
>> negligible.
>> For the extent of the Sun when using an area_light, make it's diameter
>> about 0.01 of the distance. Not exact, but close enough.
>> For more normal lights, the fade_power must be 2. No other value is
>> realistic.
>> For fade_distance : Make it small. For an area_light, it should be
>> about the width of the light. For point light, a value of about 0.1 is
>> correct.
> Thanks. What about Lumens? Should Lumens always equal 1 for parallel
> lights mimicking the Sun?
With LightsysIV, I never bother with lumens. I use CIE which is part of
the package:
#include "CIE.inc"
#declare SunCol = Blackbody(6500)*Intensity; //Sun temperature:
2800=red; 7500=blue white.
For position and diameter of the Sun, I use:
#declare SunPos = vrotate(<0, 0, -2>*10e5, <Sun_alt, Sun_azm, 0.0>);
#declare SunDia = vlength(SunPos)*2/215; //apparent diameter of the Sun
The later is a formula by Cousin Ricky (somewhen in 2007 I think).
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