In the photons chapter in the docs, the following paragraph is unclear
to me:
The keyword media turns on media photons. The parameter max_steps
specifies the maximum number of photons to deposit over an interval. The
optional parameter factor specifies the difference in media spacing
compared to surface spacing. You can increase factor and decrease
max_steps if too many photons are being deposited in media.
- "max_steps", I suppose, is somewhat equivalent to "count", or isn't it?
- "factor", I do not understand. Is it an integer? Is it large or small?
I use the following settings:
global_settings {
photons {
spacing 0.001
media max_steps?, factor? <===
autostop 0
jitter 0.4
save_file "MyPhotons1.inc"
//load_file "MyPhotons1.inc"
How should I set "media", when using an isotropic scattering media?
Thanks indeed for any clarification.
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