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Three questions:
1. What is the license for 3D models in the sketchup warehouse?
2. Is the license compatible with LGPL?
3. Is there a sketchup > pov-ray converter?
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El 20/02/16 a las 06:50, Mike Horvath escribió:
> Three questions:
> 1. What is the license for 3D models in the sketchup warehouse? 2. Is
> the license compatible with LGPL? 3. Is there a sketchup > pov-ray
> converter?
Mike, I don't want to sound rude, but I wonder why you think it would
be easier or faster to ask these questions here instead searching on
google... seriously, I'm totally perplexed at the logic behind it. I
just did these searches and obtained the answers in a matter of seconds:
1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049
2. no, in regards to redistribution (from the above article)
3. http://www.povray.org/news/index.php#292
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Just going to make a side comment - what is it with some companies out
there (especially big name ones) and, "You can convert that, but only
using our plugin, which requires our software."? I mean, who owns your
design, them, or you? And, if its you, then how can you be said to own
it, if, at some point, you are no longer using their damn software,
and.. now have no way to convert it any more? Heck, how can you even be
said to own it to sell, if.. there is no way to convert it to the format
the buyer wants? (This latter one being what I have run into several times.)
Anyway, that's my vaguely related rant. lol
But, I think the reason he asked, instead of google, is because of the
whole "sketchup to POVRay" thing. Google.. can sometimes, as good as it
is, be a bit like... going to a library without a card catalog, and
trying to find the one book that mentions blue aliens who eat broccoli.
I don't blame the guy for going to a place that actually works "with"
POVRay exclusively to ask.
Commander Vimes: "You take a bunch of people who don't seem any
different from you and me, but when you add them all together you get
this sort of huge raving maniac with national borders and an anthem."
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On 2/20/2016 3:54 AM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
> Mike, I don't want to sound rude, but I wonder why you think it would
> be easier or faster to ask these questions here instead searching on
> google... seriously, I'm totally perplexed at the logic behind it. I
> just did these searches and obtained the answers in a matter of seconds:
> 1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049
> 2. no, in regards to redistribution (from the above article)
> 3. http://www.povray.org/news/index.php#292
I read #1 twice now, and still don't understand. Hence, why I asked.
Could you explain that Terms of Use for me? Thanks.
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El 20/02/16 a las 22:51, Mike Horvath escribió:
> On 2/20/2016 3:54 AM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
>> Mike, I don't want to sound rude, but I wonder why you think it
>> would be easier or faster to ask these questions here instead
>> searching on google... seriously, I'm totally perplexed at the
>> logic behind it. I just did these searches and obtained the answers
>> in a matter of seconds:
>> 1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049 2. no, in regards
>> to redistribution (from the above article) 3.
>> http://www.povray.org/news/index.php#292
> I read #1 twice now, and still don't understand. Hence, why I asked.
> Could you explain that Terms of Use for me? Thanks.
From that page you can get there:
On that license, points 1 and 2 are what you want. In my
understanding, it means you can do anything except competing with
Trimble. For example, you can distribute a model as part of your work,
but not as a standalone model.
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Am 20.02.2016 um 22:51 schrieb Mike Horvath:
> On 2/20/2016 3:54 AM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
>> Mike, I don't want to sound rude, but I wonder why you think it would
>> be easier or faster to ask these questions here instead searching on
>> google... seriously, I'm totally perplexed at the logic behind it. I
>> just did these searches and obtained the answers in a matter of seconds:
>> 1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049
>> 2. no, in regards to redistribution (from the above article)
>> 3. http://www.povray.org/news/index.php#292
> I read #1 twice now, and still don't understand. Hence, why I asked.
> Could you explain that Terms of Use for me? Thanks.
What makes you think anyone here is better at understanding legalese
than yourself?
You should really ask lawyers about that one, not 3D hobbyists ;)
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Le 16-02-21 02:16, clipka a écrit :
> Am 20.02.2016 um 22:51 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>> On 2/20/2016 3:54 AM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
>>> Mike, I don't want to sound rude, but I wonder why you think it would
>>> be easier or faster to ask these questions here instead searching on
>>> google... seriously, I'm totally perplexed at the logic behind it. I
>>> just did these searches and obtained the answers in a matter of seconds:
>>> 1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049
>>> 2. no, in regards to redistribution (from the above article)
>>> 3. http://www.povray.org/news/index.php#292
>> I read #1 twice now, and still don't understand. Hence, why I asked.
>> Could you explain that Terms of Use for me? Thanks.
> What makes you think anyone here is better at understanding legalese
> than yourself?
> You should really ask lawyers about that one, not 3D hobbyists ;)
"legalese" is the bane of common sence. It use obtuse phase constructs
and unusual words used in unusual context to willfully obfuscate the
real meaning of the author. It also uselessly inflate the text.
It's great to hide a lack of knowlege, fogged mindset, and contempt of
the readers.
It's a "language" made by lawers for lawers to help justify having to
many lawers.
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On 2/21/2016 1:28 PM, Alain wrote:
> Le 16-02-21 02:16, clipka a écrit :
>> Am 20.02.2016 um 22:51 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>>> On 2/20/2016 3:54 AM, Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
>>>> Mike, I don't want to sound rude, but I wonder why you think it
>>>> would
>>>> be easier or faster to ask these questions here instead searching on
>>>> google... seriously, I'm totally perplexed at the logic behind it. I
>>>> just did these searches and obtained the answers in a matter of
>>>> seconds:
>>>> 1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049
>>>> 2. no, in regards to redistribution (from the above article)
>>>> 3. http://www.povray.org/news/index.php#292
>>> I read #1 twice now, and still don't understand. Hence, why I asked.
>>> Could you explain that Terms of Use for me? Thanks.
>> What makes you think anyone here is better at understanding legalese
>> than yourself?
>> You should really ask lawyers about that one, not 3D hobbyists ;)
> "legalese" is the bane of common sence. It use obtuse phase constructs
> and unusual words used in unusual context to willfully obfuscate the
> real meaning of the author. It also uselessly inflate the text.
> It's great to hide a lack of knowlege, fogged mindset, and contempt of
> the readers.
> It's a "language" made by lawers for lawers to help justify having to
> many lawers.
What? You can never have too many lawyers!
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Hash: SHA256
Le 22/02/2016 01:15, Mike Horvath a écrit :
> What? You can never have too many lawyers!
lawyers are like H-bomb: everybody might have the need for one, but
none should use it, never.
Version: GnuPG v2
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Jaime Vives Piqueres <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote:
> >> 1. https://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049 2. no, in regards
> >> to redistribution (from the above article)
> >
> > I read #1 twice now, and still don't understand. Hence, why I asked.
> > Could you explain that Terms of Use for me? Thanks.
> >
> From that page you can get there:
> https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/tos.html#license
> On that license, points 1 and 2 are what you want. In my
> understanding, it means you can do anything except competing with
> Trimble. For example, you can distribute a model as part of your work,
> but not as a standalone model.
After taking a look only at reference #1 (more of a quick glance), the terms of
use *do* seem to be kind of arbitrary, as to what constitutes 'impermissible
aggregation.' (Not being able to use a Sketchup model in a research paper-- that
seems kind of strange, for example.) Just from the various questions/examples
given, it seems that there could be just as many 'can't use' situations arising
as 'can use' ones, with somewhat of a fine line separating the two. I guess(?)
the detailed answers to any given situation are spelled out elsewhere.
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