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actually, using blobs is not difficult, still, I have a case where I
self simply don't succeed to find the right values. If you like, try
yourself on it and help me with a solution.
Basically, I have a more or less cylindrical body, and wanted a smooth
transformation into a cylinder across, at its end. My own solution
doesn't look good, after days of trying.
// the cylinder
cylinder // schmaler Außenring
< -12.5, 0.0, 0.0 > < 12.5, 0.20, 0.0 > 500.0
pigment { White}
cylinder // dicker Innenzylinder
< -62.5, 0.0, 0.0 > < 62.5, 0.0, 0.0 > 450.0
pigment { White}
sphere // Verdickung
< 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 475.0
scale < 0.215, 1.0, 1.0 >
pigment { White}
torus // von Vorne: links
450.0, 50.0
rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
pigment { White}
translate < -12.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
torus // von Vorne: rechts
450.0, 50.0
rotate < 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 >
pigment { White}
translate < 12.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
// the blob
blob // Querrumpf
threshold 0.75
cylinder { < -50.0, 0.0, 50.0 > < 50.0, -0.0, 50.0 >
2500.0, 0.7 }
cylinder { < -50.0, 0.0, 100.0 > < 50.0, -0.0, 100.0 >
600.0, 0.2 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -10.0, 0.0, 150.0 > < 10.0, -0.0, 150.0 > 450.0,
0.2 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -10.0, 0.0, 200.0 > < 10.0, -0.0, 200.0 > 400.0,
0.4 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -100.0, 0.0, 275.0 > < 100.0, -0.0, 275.0 > 350.0,
1.0 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -300.0, 0.0, 400.0 > < 300.0, -0.0, 400.0 > 300.0,
1.5 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -2000.0, 0.0, 500.0 > < 2000.0, -0.0, 500.0 > 300.0,
1.5 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -2500.0, 0.0, 650.0 > < 2500.0, -0.0, 650.0 > 300.0,
1.5 } // Querrumpf
cylinder { < -700.0, 0.0, 300.0 > < -700.0, -0.0, 900.0 > 500.0,
1.0 scale < 4.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } // Seitenauswuchtung
cylinder { < 700.0, 0.0, 300.0 > < 700.0, -0.0, 900.0 > 500.0,
1.0 scale < 4.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } // Seitenauswuchtung
cylinder { < 0.0, 0.1, 1300.0 > < 0.0, -0.1, 1300.0 > 400.0,
1.0 scale < 6.0, 0.9, 0.75 > } // Mittelende
scale < 0.25, 1.0, 1.0 >
pigment { Red }
Thanks for reading, your time, good intention, and help. :-)
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From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: PLEASE ASSIST: Smooth Blob towards Cylinder
Date: 26 Mar 2015 02:07:07
Message: <5513a20b$1@news.povray.org>
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On 03/25/2015 12:47 PM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> Hi,
> actually, using blobs is not difficult, still, I have a case where I
> self simply don't succeed to find the right values. If you like, try
> yourself on it and help me with a solution.
> Basically, I have a more or less cylindrical body, and wanted a smooth
> transformation into a cylinder across, at its end. My own solution
> doesn't look good, after days of trying.
My historical tendency when faced with intractable blobs has been to
give up on the blobs and use isosurfaces. In fact, I got so much into
isosurfaces (slow as they are) that I wrote several functions for
isosurface blobbing. Two of them are included in the Object Collection
module RoundEdge. They are more predictable than the blobbing methods
described in the user manual, being formulated to seamlessly match
POV-Ray primitives. This way, instead of having a big, slow isosurface,
you can reduce the render time by confining the isosurface to the join
areas, and using the primitives for the rest of the form.
The RoundEdge module contains other functions for matching blobs to
primitives, but those functions don't seem applicable to the shape you
have so far. (I'm assuming you want the red part of the shape to
transition smoothly into the white part.)
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That sounds quite interesting, and I would like to have a look at them. Can you
give me a URL? Thanks.
Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> On 03/25/2015 12:47 PM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > actually, using blobs is not difficult, still, I have a case where I
> > self simply don't succeed to find the right values. If you like, try
> > yourself on it and help me with a solution.
> >
> > Basically, I have a more or less cylindrical body, and wanted a smooth
> > transformation into a cylinder across, at its end. My own solution
> > doesn't look good, after days of trying.
> My historical tendency when faced with intractable blobs has been to
> give up on the blobs and use isosurfaces. In fact, I got so much into
> isosurfaces (slow as they are) that I wrote several functions for
> isosurface blobbing. Two of them are included in the Object Collection
> module RoundEdge. They are more predictable than the blobbing methods
> described in the user manual, being formulated to seamlessly match
> POV-Ray primitives. This way, instead of having a big, slow isosurface,
> you can reduce the render time by confining the isosurface to the join
> areas, and using the primitives for the rest of the form.
> The RoundEdge module contains other functions for matching blobs to
> primitives, but those functions don't seem applicable to the shape you
> have so far. (I'm assuming you want the red part of the shape to
> transition smoothly into the white part.)
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Hi Sven,
the Object Collection can be found under "Resources" at www.povray.org. Simply
hit the search button to Access all entries.
Best regards,
"Sven Littkowski" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> That sounds quite interesting, and I would like to have a look at them. Can you
> give me a URL? Thanks.
> Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> > On 03/25/2015 12:47 PM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > actually, using blobs is not difficult, still, I have a case where I
> > > self simply don't succeed to find the right values. If you like, try
> > > yourself on it and help me with a solution.
> > >
> > > Basically, I have a more or less cylindrical body, and wanted a smooth
> > > transformation into a cylinder across, at its end. My own solution
> > > doesn't look good, after days of trying.
> >
> > My historical tendency when faced with intractable blobs has been to
> > give up on the blobs and use isosurfaces. In fact, I got so much into
> > isosurfaces (slow as they are) that I wrote several functions for
> > isosurface blobbing. Two of them are included in the Object Collection
> > module RoundEdge. They are more predictable than the blobbing methods
> > described in the user manual, being formulated to seamlessly match
> > POV-Ray primitives. This way, instead of having a big, slow isosurface,
> > you can reduce the render time by confining the isosurface to the join
> > areas, and using the primitives for the rest of the form.
> >
> > The RoundEdge module contains other functions for matching blobs to
> > primitives, but those functions don't seem applicable to the shape you
> > have so far. (I'm assuming you want the red part of the shape to
> > transition smoothly into the white part.)
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From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: PLEASE ASSIST: Smooth Blob towards Cylinder
Date: 28 Mar 2015 09:37:30
Message: <5516ae9a$1@news.povray.org>
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On 03/27/2015 04:31 AM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> That sounds quite interesting, and I would like to have a look at them. Can you
> give me a URL? Thanks.
The URL is:
Your threshold of 0.75 will complicate things a bit, but the math is doable.
P.S. One of your statements is:
cylinder // schmaler Außenring
< -12.5, 0.0, 0.0 > < 12.5, 0.20, 0.0 > 500.0
pigment { White}
I assume the 0.20 should be 0.0. Is that right?
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From: Cousin Ricky
Subject: Re: PLEASE ASSIST: Smooth Blob towards Cylinder
Date: 28 Mar 2015 23:50:32
Message: <55177688$1@news.povray.org>
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On 03/26/2015 02:06 AM, Cousin Ricky wrote:
> On 03/25/2015 12:47 PM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
>> actually, using blobs is not difficult, still, I have a case where I
>> self simply don't succeed to find the right values. If you like, try
>> yourself on it and help me with a solution.
>> Basically, I have a more or less cylindrical body, and wanted a smooth
>> transformation into a cylinder across, at its end. My own solution
>> doesn't look good, after days of trying.
> My historical tendency when faced with intractable blobs has been to
> give up on the blobs and use isosurfaces.
Here are some isosurface functions that duplicate your forms.
--------------------[BEGIN CODE]--------------------
#include "functions.inc"
#include "roundedge.inc"
// the cylinder
#declare fn_Cylinder_part = function
{ min
( RE_fn_Wheel (y, max (0, abs(x) - 12.5), z, 450, 50),
f_sphere (x / 0.215, y, z, 475) * 0.215
// the blob
#declare fn_Cylinder1 = function // equivalent to a blob component
{ pow
( 1 - pow (min (f_r (max (0, abs(x) -50 ), y, z), 2500) / 2500, 2),
) * 0.7
#declare fn_Cylinder7 = function // equivalent to a blob component
{ pow
( 1 - pow (min (f_r (max (0, abs(x) - 2000), y, z), 300) / 300, 2),
) * 1.5
#declare fn_Cylinder8 = function // equivalent to a blob component
{ pow
( 1 - pow (min (f_r (max (0, abs(x) - 2500), y, z), 300) / 300, 2),
) * 1.5
#declare fn_Blob_part = function
{ ( 0.75
- fn_Cylinder1 (x * 4, y, z - 50)
- fn_Cylinder7 (x * 4, y, z - 500)
- fn_Cylinder8 (x * 4, y, z - 650)
--------------------[END CODE]--------------------
The blob section uses only the 3 components, namely those that interact
with the cylinder, less the components that (I perceive) were used to
model the smooth transition.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get them to blob well together.
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