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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Hope with Unicode ? (range above 2 bytes)
Date: 3 Sep 2013 12:20:30
Message: <52260c4e@news.povray.org>
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I was to use some fonts from http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/ (as they
are offered free for many purposes), and all went fine with povray until
I choose to use U+1F301 from Symbola.ttf;
Previous chars were below U+FFFF, so no problem (Input in gvim via
ctrl-V,u,four hexdigits; for range above U+FFFF, it's ctrl-V,U,eight
hexdigits.), but povray seems unable to handle glyph above U+FFFF.
Did I missed something obvious (or not obvious), to access the Foggy
Glyph (U+1F301) (or the umbrella U+1F302) ? (or what did the dog at
U+1F415 to be punished ?)
Or should I wait for a futur version of povray ?
(charset was utf8 in SDL, and file was also utf8 format)
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Am 03.09.2013 18:20, schrieb Le_Forgeron:
> I was to use some fonts from http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/ (as they
> are offered free for many purposes), and all went fine with povray until
> I choose to use U+1F301 from Symbola.ttf;
> Previous chars were below U+FFFF, so no problem (Input in gvim via
> ctrl-V,u,four hexdigits; for range above U+FFFF, it's ctrl-V,U,eight
> hexdigits.), but povray seems unable to handle glyph above U+FFFF.
> Did I missed something obvious (or not obvious), to access the Foggy
> Glyph (U+1F301) (or the umbrella U+1F302) ? (or what did the dog at
> U+1F415 to be punished ?)
POV-Ray currently supports only the Base Multilingual Plane, i.e.
Unicode characters with code points <= U+FFFF. IIRC I already have a fix
somewhere, but it hasn't found its way into the official codebase yet.
> Or should I wait for a futur version of povray ?
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