=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Roland_M=F6sl?= <fou### [at] pege org> wrote:
> just downloaded
> texlib40-20030223.zip
> But I can not find out where the definitions are,
> to use it in own POV projects.
> --
> Planetary Engineering Group Earth
Hi Roland,
as I understand this stuff: there are no definitons. This are only examples for
the textures shipped with POV to have an impression how they look under certein
conditions like radiosity and other ligthing situations. To use this textures
you have to include the proper include-file (Colors.inc, Stones.inc,
texrures.inc and so on) and put the desired texture name in an texture Statement
within an object. The library here is only intended to help find the most proper
texture out of the textures POV provides. Nice idea!
For example:
#include "stones.inc"
box { 0,1 texture { T_Stone12 } }
Best regards,
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