After searching through many previous posts on this topic, I can see
that the only way to really check for the existence of an object after
an intersection or subtraction CSG is by running trace rays through the
entire bounding box or searching with inside().
I also understand that the bounding box of any intersection is
calculated as the intersection of parent bounding boxes.
Not knowing exactly what other information is available to the parser
(besides bounding box), is there any chance of a 'bool = exists(Object)'
function or the like? Not needing it to return any location or anything
about the object, just a way of checking if there is indeed something
visible (technically existing, as objects could be transparent) left
after a CSG operation? Having that a compiled function could
significantly increase speed over the 2000 or so iteration macros
currently used.
If the code doesn't allow for any reasonable implementation, oh well,
but it could be useful to have.
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