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  Fancy 4D Julia rendering (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Warp
Subject: Fancy 4D Julia rendering
Date: 25 Jul 2008 19:55:44
Message: <488a6800@news.povray.org>
I wonder if rendering something even remotely resembling this would be
possible with POV-Ray by using its 4D Julia object:


  Anyone feeling inspired?-)

                                                          - Warp

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Fancy 4D Julia rendering
Date: 26 Jul 2008 13:21:32
Message: <488b5d1c@news.povray.org>
Warp nous illumina en ce 2008-07-25 19:55 -->
>   I wonder if rendering something even remotely resembling this would be
> possible with POV-Ray by using its 4D Julia object:
> http://www.miqel.com/images_1/fractal_math_patterns/natural-patterns/fire.jpg
>   Anyone feeling inspired?-)
Quite probable, as it realy looks like a julia fractal. You just need to find 
the right set of parameters.
High iteration count. Right 3D slice. Right 4D vector, algebra type, function 
type, distance...

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Fancy 4D Julia rendering
Date: 26 Jul 2008 15:07:53
Message: <488b7609@news.povray.org>
Alain <ele### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Quite probable, as it realy looks like a julia fractal. You just need to find 
> the right set of parameters.
> High iteration count. Right 3D slice. Right 4D vector, algebra type, function 
> type, distance...

  I'm not worrying about the parameters. I'm worrying about the texturing.

                                                          - Warp

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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Fancy 4D Julia rendering
Date: 27 Jul 2008 04:03:03
Message: <488c2bb7$1@news.povray.org>
Le Sat, 26 Jul 2008 15:07:53 -0400, Warp a modifié des petits morceaux de
l'univers pour nous faire lire :

>   I'm not worrying about the parameters. I'm worrying about the
>   texturing.

pigment pattern seems rather simple: either a plain pigment with a set of 
colored lights, or a 'wood' colors pattern along the longest axis, with a 
big scale ?
Dropping shape information, the coloring is rather green/red/yellow 
(which is a mix of green & red, so should really have only two basic 

Notice there is nearly no blue components... just a light green and a 
light red.

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From: Tim Attwood
Subject: Re: Fancy 4D Julia rendering
Date: 27 Jul 2008 19:44:39
Message: <488d0867$1@news.povray.org>
>>   I'm not worrying about the parameters. I'm worrying about the
>>   texturing.

Except for the odd edge effects it's just solid metal color
with good lighting. (see image in p.b.i.)

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