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I have a vector with 4 components and I want to use the first 3 (xyz) as a
position, in a sphere sweep. But pov gives me "vector expected but color
expression found". As far as I can see the only way round this is the very
ugly <V.x,V.y,V.z>, because expresions like <1,1,1>*V start by promoting
<1,1,1> to a 4-component vector!
So, am I missing something? Is there some easy short hand to tell pov that
it's allowed to demote the vector to the appropriate type? really I want
something as simple as V.xyz, or even just V with it being implicit. Why
doesn't pov like 4D vectors for a 3D property, when x, y, and z are well
Anyway, I'll do it the long winded way until someone educates me on this
subject! ;-)
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Tek <tek### [at] evilsuperbrain com> wrote:
> So, am I missing something?
- Warp
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Wasn't it Tek who wrote:
>I have a vector with 4 components and I want to use the first 3 (xyz) as a
>position, in a sphere sweep. But pov gives me "vector expected but color
>expression found". As far as I can see the only way round this is the very
>ugly <V.x,V.y,V.z>, because expresions like <1,1,1>*V start by promoting
><1,1,1> to a 4-component vector!
>So, am I missing something? Is there some easy short hand to tell pov that
>it's allowed to demote the vector to the appropriate type? really I want
>something as simple as V.xyz, or even just V with it being implicit. Why
>doesn't pov like 4D vectors for a 3D property, when x, y, and z are well
>Anyway, I'll do it the long winded way until someone educates me on this
>subject! ;-)
You can write a little macro, like
#macro v3(a) <a.x, a.y, a.z> #end
Then use v3(V) wherever you wanted to use V.xyz
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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