I am doing a university research project on optimising UTD ray-tracing.
This is a long question and involves ray tracing and
UTD stands for "uniform theory of diffraction". Simply put: UTD
ray-tracing is ray-tracing using electromagnetic waves as opposed to light.
Instead of lights there are antenna's which radiate electromagnetic
waves. Instead of an eye and 2D view plane the user can specify where in
3D space the electromagnetic radiation is to be determined. Instead of
using an illumination model to determine the colour of pixels,
electromagnetic theory (ie. the uniform theory of diffraction) is used
to determine the electromagnetic radiation along a ray.
Current implementation
The implementation of UTD ray-tracing (www.supernec.com) works as follows:
1. PATH FINDING: determine the geometrically path: determine the
components (plates, cylinders etc.) off which the ray reflects, diffracts,
refracts etc. to get from the antenna to the observer position
2. SHADOW TESTS: determine if the path in 1 is "shadowed" by any
components. This is the classic intersection tests in ray-tracing.
3. FIELD FINDING: if the path in step 2 is valid: apply the
electromagnetic theory along the path
Steps 1 and 2 only use geometry and ray-tracing. Step 3 is purely
I need to optimise step 1 (path finding). Step 2 (shadow tests) I can
optimise using bounding boxes / spatial subdivisions etc.
The Problem
Step 1 was implemented in a peculiar way. Before I continue, I need to
mention that I cannot change the way step 1 (path finding) works. I
need to optimise the current implementation. So no radical re-write of
the software.
PATH FINDING works as follows:
-a 3d scene consisting of multiple components (plates, cylinders etc).
-a source and observer location. The source is a point on an antenna.
The observer can be any where in space (including points on the antenna).
1. A particular ray-type is specified, eg.
- single reflection off plate
- single reflection off cylinder
- single diffraction off the edge of a plate
- single reflection off plate followed by a single reflection off a cylinder
- reflection off any plate, then reflection off a cylinder, then
diffraction off a plate's edge
etc. ...
2. The algorithm examines every combination of components and attempts
to fit a ray in between source and observer that travels over the
required components. The points of reflection/diffraction/refraction are
determined using 1) geometry for simple rays like single reflections
or single diffractions 2) iterative methods for higher order rays eg.
double diffraction off 2 cylinders.
3. Once a path is found it is tested to see if
1) the laws of reflection / diffraction / refraction are obeyed
2) the points of reflection / diffraction / refraction are on the finite
sized components. Step 2 initially assumes the components have
infinite size (infinite area plates, infinitely long cylinders etc.)
4. If the path survives step 3, the path is declared geometrically valid
and the shadow tests can begin.
Path finding is different to graphical ray-tracing. Instead of shooting
rays like in graphically ray-tracing, a ray is "bent" into place
between the components in the scene and the source and observer.
In step 2 the number of component combinations grows quickly with the
number of components in the scene. The problem is many of
the rays do not survive PATH FINDING. The reason: most of the points of
reflection / diffraction / refraction are not located on the finite
sized components. A lot of time is spent examining physically impossible
My first idea:
For each antenna create a "light-buffer", ie. before ray tracing
determine which components can be seen from the antenna. So if a component
cannot be seen from the antenna, then exclude it from path finding.
Problem: This solution ignores the fact that many paths fail path
finding because they are not located on the finite sized components. The
antenna can often see at least a part of all components.
My second idea:
Ray coherence: The valid pathes vary little between neighbouring and
closely space observer and source locations. So I only call path finding
at every n-th observer location. In between I use cached paths.
Problem: approximation / reduced accuracy; some valid paths are missed
My question:
1. How to speed up path finding as it is implemented presently ?
2. Comments on my 2 solutions ?
3. A better way to do the entire UTD-ray-tracing ?
If you did not understand (very likely), please tell me, then I will try
again and you can possibly help me.
Thank you, in advance for any help
Robert Hartleb
r.h### [at] ee wits ac za
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