I've been running into errors with one of my supersurface tests:
// Parametric variable form
#declare uMin = 0; // Minimum u value
#declare uMax = radians(180); // Maximum u value
#declare uNum = 90; // Number of points in u direction
#declare uWrap = 0; // u wraps around if != 0
#declare uSeed = 2252; // Random number seed for u parameter
#declare vMin = 0; // Minimum v value
#declare vMax = radians(356); // Maximum v value
#declare vNum = 90; // Number of points in v direction
#declare vWrap = 1; // v wraps around if != 0
#declare vSeed = 7335; // Random number seed for v parameter
#declare IsRnd = false; // True if random number used
#declare IsUV = true; // True if uv-mapping used
#declare Smooth = 1; // Smooth flag
#declare Detail = "Partial"
/* Detail values
Verbose = Line by line details
Partial = Operations only
Other = Filename only
/* For all macro functions
i = Current value of u parameter
j = Current value of v parameter
p = Current value of u variance (0...1)
q = Current value of v variance (0...1)
// Optional functions
#macro rd(a,b,m,n1,n2,n3,th)
#local ra = abs(cos(m*th*0.25)/a);
#local rb = abs(sin(m*th*0.25)/b);
#macro pof(n,ex,of) pow((n+of)*(n+of),ex*.5)-of #end
#declare a1=pi+2;
#declare b1=pi-2;
#declare m1=5.5;
#declare n11=1.50;
#declare n21=1.75;
#declare n31=1.25;
#declare a2=phi(2);
#declare b2=phi(3);
#declare m2=1;
#declare n12=0.30;
#declare n22=-.25;
#declare n32=-.35;
// point function
#macro pnt(i, j, p, q)
#local rdi = rd(a1,b1,m1,n11,n21,n31,i+1e-3); // altered
#local rdj = rd(a2,b2,m2,n12,n22,n32,j+1e-3);
#local si = sin(i);
#local ci = cos(i);
#local sj = sin(j);
#local cj = cos(j);
#local xp = sj*(rdj+rdi*si);
#local yp = cj*(rdj+rdi*si);*/
#local xp = rdj*cj*rdi*si;
#local yp = rdj*sj*rdi*si;
#local zp = rdi*ci;
#local dz = pof(zp, 1.3, 4.5);
Certain values of th, particularly 0, in the rd macro results in a NaN (Not
a Number) from dividing by 0 if n2 or n3 are negative. A quick, dirty
workaround was the code marked "altered" which ensured that th never hit 0,
pi/2, pi, etc.
I use the code above to generate large mesh2 objects. The errors were not
being caught until POV-Ray parsed the meshes, usually several minutes. I
want to catch these errors more quickly and flag them with #error
directives, causing quick failure the instant one of these calculations goes
So, what is the fastest and easiest way to detect NaN floats and vectors?
David Wallace
TenArbor Consulting
"Just In Time Cash"
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David Wallace <dar### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> So, what is the fastest and easiest way to detect NaN floats and vectors?
There isn't.
What happens eg. with a division by 0 is completely system-dependant,
and even whether you get a 'NaN' value or something else is
system-dependant. (In fact, the 'NaN' value itself is system-dependant
because not all architectures implement the IEEE floating point numbers.)
There's no portable way of testing "is this value a NaN?".
The only way you can prevent it from happening is to test the
operands of the division prior to performing the division.
plane{-x+y,-1pigment{bozo color_map{[0rgb x][1rgb x+y]}turbulence 1}}
sphere{0,2pigment{rgbt 1}interior{media{emission 1density{spherical
density_map{[0rgb 0][.5rgb<1,.5>][1rgb 1]}turbulence.9}}}scale
<1,1,3>hollow}text{ttf"timrom""Warp".1,0translate<-1,-.1,2>}// - Warp -
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