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Hello folks,
I have got a mini-DV camera which has a focal between 4.5mm-45mm, which
is equivalent to 32.5mm-325mm on a still 35mm camera, or 19.9mm-189mm on
a 35mm movie camera.
Now, I want to match footage from my DV camera with a scene I create
with povray.
What would I have to do in povray to match the footage from my dv camera?
Thanks in advance
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Fidel Viegas nous apporta ses lumieres ainsi en ce 2004-10-11 08:24... :
> Hello folks,
> I have got a mini-DV camera which has a focal between 4.5mm-45mm,
> which is equivalent to 32.5mm-325mm on a still 35mm camera, or
> 19.9mm-189mm on a 35mm movie camera.
> Now, I want to match footage from my DV camera with a scene I create
> with povray.
> What would I have to do in povray to match the footage from my dv camera?
> Thanks in advance
> Fidel.
You need to match the, variable, angle of the field of view. The easiest
way is by using the angle keyworld in the camera deffinition. Some trial
and error will enable to get a good match.
The problem arise if you zoomed during the shot, as the angle will then
change from frame to frame.
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Alain wrote:
> You need to match the, variable, angle of the field of view. The easiest
> way is by using the angle keyworld in the camera deffinition. Some trial
> and error will enable to get a good match.
> The problem arise if you zoomed during the shot, as the angle will then
> change from frame to frame.
> Alain
Hi Alain,
Thanks for the reply. I will play around with it and see what I come up
A remember a while ago someone posting something about this, but don't
remember precisely.
Anyway, thanks for the tip.
All the best
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Fidel Viegas wrote:
> A remember a while ago someone posting something about this, but don't
> remember precisely.
Perhaps you remember the famous hologram projector by Rune?
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