Can anyone help me outline an object, i'm wondering if there's a straight
forward way to do this. I've found this macro in another posting, but can't
get it to work?
thanks in advance
#macro Pigment_Outline( Object , Outside , Outline, Inside , Z , N , B , W )
#local F1=function{pigment{proximity{Object,1 samples N sample_bailout B
max_density W*0.51 type 1 method 3 sides 2}}}
#local F2=function{pigment{object{Object color 0 color 1}}}
#local F3=function{if(F1(x,y,z)-(W/2),if(F2(x,y,z)-0.5,1,0),0.5)} pigment{
function{ F3(x,y,Z) } color_map {[0 Outside][0.5 Outline][1 Inside]} }
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