POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : export to directX Server Time
17 Mar 2025 11:59:22 EDT (-0400)
  export to directX (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Miguel García
Subject: export to directX
Date: 1 Mar 2004 11:22:30
Message: <404346FB.8070700@telefonica.net>
Hi. I made something with POV and now someone would like to reuse it, 
but with directX. So I have some questions:

1) Can I convert spheres, cylinders and other CSG objects to directX, or 
  only meshes?

2) What software should I use?

Thanks in advance,


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From: Mike Raiford
Subject: Re: export to directX
Date: 1 Mar 2004 12:05:17
Message: <40436d4d$1@news.povray.org>
The answer to this is on the POV-Ray TAG site:


news:404### [at] telefonicanet...
> Hi. I made something with POV and now someone would like to reuse it,
> but with directX. So I have some questions:
> 1) Can I convert spheres, cylinders and other CSG objects to directX, or
>   only meshes?
> 2) What software should I use?
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Miguel

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