In article <40288c4b@news.povray.org> , "Gianluca Massaccesi"
<gia### [at] tin it> wrote:
> I have the problem to model a real light source, given as angle dependent
> power intensity.
> What I mean is that referring to IES specification for light source, I
> experimental model a light source giving a value of candela light intensity
> for each vertical and horizontal angle.
> Does anybody suggest me how to model in POV-Ray?
> At the moment I modelled the problem writing a code that transform the light
> source in a set of spotlight with the right direction. Obviously this is an
> approximation as the light cones intersect each-other and I have to correct
> the value, taking account of this. But the biggest problem is that the speed
> performances are quite compromized becouse of the big number of light
> sources. Other raytracer for example have the possibility to assign directly
> an IES file format to a light source.
> I wonder if there is some other more efficent method.
Unless you are asking how to add a new kind of light source to POV-Ray's
source code, I think this questions should go to "povray.advanced-users", to
which I am crossposting this message.
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trf de
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