I am trying to use the mechsim feature to create a sail. The problem is that
I keep getting a "mass index out of range" error. Can anybody tell me what
this error indicates, so that I can fix the problem? I am stumped.
Here is the code I am using if it helps.
#declare SailArray = array[50][50];
#declare A1X = -16000+200+ (16000+200 -
#declare A1Y = 4200;
#declare A1Z = sin(radians(SpankerBoomRotate))*(16000+200);
#declare A4X = -200;
#declare A4Y = 300;
#declare A4Z = 0;
#declare D1X = -9000 + (9000 - cos(radians(SpankerGaffRotate))*9000);
#declare D1Y = 17500;
#declare D1Z = sin(radians(SpankerGaffRotate))*9000;
#declare D4X = -200;
#declare D4Y = 11300;
#declare D4Z = 0;
#declare B4X = -200;
#declare B4Z = 0;
#declare C4X = -200;
#declare C4Z = 0;
//#declare SailArray [0][0] = <A1X,A1Y,A1Z>;
//#declare SailArray [49][0] = <A4X,A4Y,A4Z>;
//create points on outline of sail
#declare n=0;
#declare SailArray [n][49] = <D4X,D4Y,D4Z> +
#declare SailArray [n][0] = <A4X,A4Y,A4Z> +
#declare SailArray [49][n] = <A4X,A4Y,A4Z> +
#declare SailArray [0][n] = <A1X,A1Y,A1Z> +
#declare n=n+1;
//creat points on inside of sail
#declare n=1;
#declare i = 1;
#declare SailArray [n][i] = <SailArray [n][0].x,SailArray
[n][0].y,SailArray [n][0].z> + <i*(SailArray [n][49].x-SailArray
[n][0].x)/49,i*(SailArray [n][49].y-SailArray [n][0].y)/49,0>;
#declare i = i +1;
#declare n=n+1;
//Create sail
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
mechsim {
gravity <0, -9.81, 0>
method 1
#if (clock_on)
step_count 100
time_step (1/30)/800
topology {
load_file "SpankerSail.dat"
save_file "SpankerSail.dat"
step_count 0
topology {
mass { <SailArray [0][0].x, SailArray
[0][0].y, SailArray [0][0].z>, <0, 0, 0>, 100 density 5 fixed on }
mass { <SailArray [0][1].x, SailArray
[0][1].y, SailArray [0][1].z>, <0, 0, 0>, 100 density 5 fixed on }
save_file "SpankerSail.dat"
MechSim_Show_All_Objects(-1, false, -1, "")
Thanks for taking a look at this,
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Thak you very much Christoph, I found the error in a earlier piece of code
thanks to your help.
"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> Merrin wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to use the mechsim feature to create a sail. The problem is
> > I keep getting a "mass index out of range" error. Can anybody tell me
> > this error indicates, so that I can fix the problem? I am stumped.
> >
> > Here is the code I am using if it helps.
> >
> > [...]
> Without needing to test - this code won't generate an Error saying "mass
> index out of range". The only possible error messages containing these
> words are generated when you create a connection or face referencing a
> non-existing mass.
> Christoph
> --
> POV-Ray tutorials, include files, Sim-POV,
> HCR-Edit and more: http://www.tu-bs.de/~y0013390/
> Last updated 17 Jun. 2003 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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