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From: Torsten Crass
Subject: Write macro-generated objects to file?
Date: 22 Jul 2003 11:49:28
Message: <3f1d5d08@news.povray.org>
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Ooops - actually I wanted to post this to the "advanced" group right
from the begining... I hope you don't mind that I still post it here
although I accidently sent it to "general" first...
Hi there!
When populating a scene with loads of macro-generated objects, I thought
it would be a nice idea to run those time-consuming macros only once,
write their "return values" (in this case: unions of triangles) to an
.inc file and re-use this file when further experimenting with the
scene. However, I couldn't figure out a way to write those objects to a
file - the #write directive apparently only accepts strings, numbers and
Does anybody have a clue how one could save macro-generated objects to a
file - i.e. use PovRay for creating its own .inc files?
Thanx in advance -
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If you prepare the objects like strings, you can write your
own include files during parsing time:
#declare Sphere_Pos=<0,0,0>;
#fopen OutputFile "file_io.inc" write
#write (OutputFile, "sphere{",Sphere_Pos,",.5 pigment{rgb 1}}\n")
#fclose OutputFile
This would create file with sphere as content.
You just have to be a little creative! :-)
Tim Nikias v2.0
Homepage: http://www.digitaltwilight.de/no_lights
> Ooops - actually I wanted to post this to the "advanced" group right
> from the begining... I hope you don't mind that I still post it here
> although I accidently sent it to "general" first...
> ---8<---
> Hi there!
> When populating a scene with loads of macro-generated objects, I thought
> it would be a nice idea to run those time-consuming macros only once,
> write their "return values" (in this case: unions of triangles) to an
> .inc file and re-use this file when further experimenting with the
> scene. However, I couldn't figure out a way to write those objects to a
> file - the #write directive apparently only accepts strings, numbers and
> vectors.
> Does anybody have a clue how one could save macro-generated objects to a
> file - i.e. use PovRay for creating its own .inc files?
> Thanx in advance -
> Torsten
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Hi Tim,
> #declare Sphere_Pos=<0,0,0>;
> #fopen OutputFile "file_io.inc" write
> #write (OutputFile, "sphere{",Sphere_Pos,",.5 pigment{rgb 1}}\n")
> #fclose OutputFile
> This would create file with sphere as content.
> You just have to be a little creative! :-)
_that_ creative I've been already... ;-) I just would like to use the
same (complex) macro to create both .inc files and ready-to-use objects.
Seems, however, not possible due to the lack of some kind of
to_string(OBJECT) function... sigh!
Thanx anyway -
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Hey Torsten!
What is the problem with using File-Output-Macros only?
#include "colors.inc"
camera {
location 5
look_at 0
light_source { 100 White }
#macro Thingy(X1,X2,Filename,AutoInclude)
#fopen MyFile Filename write
#write(MyFile, "sphere { 0,1 scale ",X1," translate ",X2," }")
#fclose MyFile
#if (AutoInclude) #include Filename #end
object {
pigment { Green }
The only problem is that you'll have the overhead of writing to disk /
parsing include-files every render, but that should not be the problem.
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