I want to make the lit bulbs in this readout display stand out from the
rest. How do I pull it off?
#declare acolTable = array[6] {
<0.00, 1.00, 0.00>,
<0.75, 1.00, 0.00>,
<1.00, 1.00, 0.00>,
<1.00, 0.75, 0.00>,
<1.00, 0.00, 0.00>,
<0.00, 0.00, 1.00>
#macro otrLight(col, rad, active)
#if (active)
light_source {
0, 1
fade_distance 1
fade_power 1.7
looks_like { sphere { 0, rad
pigment { rgb col filter 1 }
finish { ambient 1 }
} }
sphere { 0, rad
pigment { rgb col filter 1 }
#macro otrLights(pos) union {
#local siz = (otrDim.x-0.02)*.070;
#local sep = siz*2.2;
#local orig = -sep*2.5;
#local ps = 0;
#while (ps<6)
object {
otrLight( acolTable[ps], siz, (ps=pos) )
translate x*(orig+ps*sep)
#set ps = ps + 1;
} #end
#declare otrSeed = seed(9515);
#macro otsReadout() union {
#local bx1 = otrDim+y*otrRis;
#local bang = degrees(atan2(otrRis,otrDim.z));
intersection {
box { <-.5, 0, -.5>, <.5, 1, .5> scale bx1 }
plane { y, 0 rotate x*bang translate otrDim*<0, 1, 0.5> }
#local bstr = otrDim*<1,1,Pythag(1,otrRis/otrDim.z)>;
#local bhgt = otrDim.y+otrRis*0.5;
#local bcut = bstr-<0.02, 0, 0.02>;
difference {
box { <-.5, 0, -.5>, <.5, 1, .5> scale bstr }
box { <-.5, -.1, -.5>, <.5, 1.1, .5> scale bcut }
rotate x*bang
translate y*bhgt
#local sep = z*bcut*0.20;
#local orig = -sep*2.0;
#local ps = 0;
union {
#while (ps<5)
#local lps = int(rand(otrSeed)*6);
object { otrLights(lps) translate orig+sep*ps }
#set ps = ps + 1;
rotate x*bang
translate y*bhgt
} #end
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Looks like you are going to need media, emitting or scattering kind; or
maybe just a highlight on the sphere objects. Either way you'll want to use
light_group to collectively affect them from only the light source intended
instead of any external lights, I believe. Unless the material making up the
light objects is supposed to be a kind of plastic or glass, in which case
you would need secondary spheres acting as a shell around them, containing
the media. Then the inner spheres can have specular highlights. Upping the
default diffuse finish might also help, perhaps via an interior_texture.
Bob H.
"David Wallace" <dar### [at] earthlink net> wrote in message
> I want to make the lit bulbs in this readout display stand out from the
> rest. How do I pull it off?
> #macro otrLight(col, rad, active)
> #if (active)
> light_source {
> 0, 1
> fade_distance 1
> fade_power 1.7
> looks_like { sphere { 0, rad
> hollow
> pigment { rgb col filter 1 }
> finish { ambient 1 }
> } }
> }
> #else
> sphere { 0, rad
> hollow
> pigment { rgb col filter 1 }
> }
> #end
> #end
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