Hi, I have a problem when trying to map a grass texture to a height field.
Basically what I have is your normal height field representing a few hills
and a river bed. But when I go to map a gras texture I made in Paint Shop,
the rendered image comes out with what looks like skewed lines on all the
flat areas of the height field. I was wondering if I had a parameter set
incorrectly or something. After I create the height field, I scale it to
make it larger, could this be causing the problem? If so, is there a way to
work around it? I have pasted the height field code below.
height_field {
pigment { image_map { sys "grass.bmp" once interpolate 2}}
scale <20, 4, 20>
translate <-4, 0, 0>
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Ben Abernathy wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem when trying to map a grass texture to a height field.
> Basically what I have is your normal height field representing a few hills
> and a river bed. But when I go to map a gras texture I made in Paint Shop,
> the rendered image comes out with what looks like skewed lines on all the
> flat areas of the height field. I was wondering if I had a parameter set
> incorrectly or something. After I create the height field, I scale it to
> make it larger, could this be causing the problem? If so, is there a way to
> work around it? I have pasted the height field code below.
> height_field {
> sys
> "height_map.bmp"
> smooth
> pigment { image_map { sys "grass.bmp" once interpolate 2}}
> scale <20, 4, 20>
> translate <-4, 0, 0>
> }
Try adding "rotate -90*x" to the image map statement.
height_field {
pigment { image_map { sys "grass.bmp" once interpolate 2} rotate -90*x }
scale <20, 4, 20>
translate <-4, 0, 0>
The HF is created by default on the x+z plane while the image map is created
by default on the x+y plane. Think of an HF as being on the floor while the
image is on the wall.
Ken Tyler
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