_Light_Beam_ wrote:
> Can somebody tell me if an "isosurface to mesh" macro exists ?
AFAIK it is possible to create such a macro, but it would be way too slow
for anything useful. However, a couple of people have tried to create a
patch for POV to do this (actually, such a patch would work with any
object, not just isosurfaces); you can do a search on "tessellation" on the
Web interface of the groups to find out more.
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On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 19:04:22 +0100, "_Light_Beam_" <fac### [at] aol com> wrote:
> Can somebody tell me if an "isosurface to mesh" macro exists ?
probably not but you can use
a) for isosurfaces representable as parametric you can use set of Ingo's
b) for isosurfaces representable as surface over square (landscape) use
c) for isosurfaces extracted from spheres or cylinders or square use
HF_Macros from standard includes
d) for more complicated isosurfaces (long calculations) you can try to get it
as df3 format and use patch from R.Suzuki
so there are some workarounds dependand on current usage
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