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I'm trying to implement some really simplified fluid dynamics in my particle
system, and it's not working to well, my particles are accumulating
velocities that exceed light :-P
This is how I'm trying to do it
v1, v2 = velocities of particle 1 and 2
p1, p2 = locations of particle 1 and 2
dt = the time step
Dist = vlength(p1-p2);
v1 = v1 + Fluidity * (1-abs(vdot(v1, v2))) / (pow(Dist, 1/Fluidity)+1) * v1
* dt;
so essentially I'm taking the and trying to change the direction the
particle is moving based on how parrallel the velocity vectors are, to me
this seems like the most logical thing to do, but I might be wrong. thanks
for any help
#macro _(r)#if(r<12)#local i=asc(substr("oqshilacefg",r,1))-97;
disc{<mod(i,7)-3,div(i,7)-1,6>,z,.4pigment{rgb 10}}_(r+1)
#end#end _(1)//KL
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In article <3dec2da3@news.povray.org>, "Kevin Loney" <klo### [at] pt2m com>
> I'm trying to implement some really simplified fluid dynamics in my particle
> system, and it's not working to well, my particles are accumulating
> velocities that exceed light :-P
> This is how I'm trying to do it
> v1, v2 = velocities of particle 1 and 2
> p1, p2 = locations of particle 1 and 2
> dt = the time step
> Dist = vlength(p1-p2);
> v1 = v1 + Fluidity * (1-abs(vdot(v1, v2))) / (pow(Dist, 1/Fluidity)+1) * v1
> * dt;
> so essentially I'm taking the and trying to change the direction the
> particle is moving based on how parrallel the velocity vectors are, to me
> this seems like the most logical thing to do, but I might be wrong. thanks
> for any help
You are trying to make a force on particles based on the speed of nearby
particles? I did something like that in my particle system patch, I
never did enough testing to figure out if it had much effect, but it
didn't lead to "velocity explosions". What I did was use difference in
the velocities of nearby particles with the particle velocity to compute
a force (maybe weighted by distance)...a very different implementation
from yours.
You take the absolute of the dot product and use it to weight the amount
of speed added to the particle velocity, so even particles with opposite
velocities will accelerate each other, and never affect each others
directions. I think you meant "*v2*dt;". And you might try other
distance weightings, a cosine falloff might work better than that
exponential falloff. Otherwise, unlink the power from the Fluidity
value. And vdot(v1, v2) is proportional to the sum of the lengths of v1
and v2, you should normalize them to get the cosine of the angle.
nv1 = vnormalize(v1);
nv2 = vnormalize(v2);
v1 += Fluidity*(1 - abs(vdot(nv1, nv2)))/(pow(Dist, FalloffExp) +
Actually, the whole idea of using the dot product seems wrong. The
particles will have no effect on each other if their directions are at
90 degrees to each other (if you normalize the velocity vectors). I
think you woudl be better off using the relative velocities.
Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org
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Why don't you try this one:
v1, v2 = velocities of particle 1 and 2
p1, p2 = locations of particle 1 and 2
dt = the time step
Dist = vlength(p1-p2);
v1 = v1 + Fluidity * (v2-v1) * exp(-Dist/Range) * dt;
this will cause all the particles to approach the same velocity
exponentially within approximately 1/Fluidity time steps. You could
then use Range to control the effect of distance or the "skin depth" of
the fluid.
Implementing viscosity like this might allow you to use a very gentle
force to keep the particles together, like
v1 = v1 + ( Fluidity1 * (v2-v1) + Fluidity2 * (p2-p1)*(Dist-Size) )*
exp(-Dist/Range) * dt
In this case, Size is the average distance the particles will try to
keep from their nearest neighbor.
Let me know if either of these ideas work.
- Ben
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