I know that I had originally brought this post to this group and then
reposted to the general group thinking that the general was a better place
for it. It has not been suggested that I post here now.
I am a physics major in my senior year and have taking some classes about
mathematics in physics. I tried to plot the solutions in gnuplot, but, it
did not give me the feeling that I wanted. I would like to have a 3D
animation of the solution. I did some research and found that the new
povray had the n-th partial sum functionality, this is very important for
the math function. I took the isosurface example from the povray dist and
modified the isosurface to have my function. I will past that pov file on
the tail of this message. When I try to render it it just stops doing
anything. I tried changing it so that it only got one term. It still did
not work. I then moved it back to 50 like originally. I was able to get
certain parts of the function to work by taking in out all the other
components, but then when I put them back in one by one it began to fail.
I would really appreciate any help on this at all, I really want this to
work and it is driving me nuts. Thanks in advance.
#version 3.5;
#include "colors.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
camera {
location <0, -10, 5>
look_at < 0, 0, 0>
light_source {<5, 0, 5> color White*0.35}
light_source {<-50, 150,-75> color White}
cylinder {
<-5, 0, 0>,
<5, 0, 0>,
pigment {
color Red
cylinder {
<0, -5, 0>,
<0, 5, 0>,
pigment {
color Blue
cylinder {
<0, 0, -5>,
<0, 0, 5>,
pigment {
color Green
plane {<0, 0, 1>, -2
pigment {
checker color Magenta, color White
plane {<0, 1, 0>, 5
pigment {
checker color Red, color White
#declare IsoFinish =
finish {
ambient 0 diffuse 1
specular 1 roughness 0.02
brilliance 2
isosurface {
function {
z - sum(n, 1,
threshold 0
contained_by {box {<4,0,0>, < 5.1, .2, 25>}}
max_gradient 20
// open
texture {
pigment {color Blue}
finish {IsoFinish}
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