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I could really use some help on this. Prior to the final release of 3.5, I
got a very different result from using an image map for a function in an
iso. In the old version (some 3.5 beta...), the image actually "formed" the
iso. Now it is simply mapped onto the surface. I am using the same image as
a pigment, but the sphere itself did not appear in the old image, as you can
see in p.b.i. I need to redo this scene using a new set of TGA files so I
would very much like some suggestions on how to recreate the old effect in
which the image in the image map itself generates or alters the form of the
Here's the code from the scenes is in pbi - it no longer creates the effect
I am after (nothing else has changed.)
#declare MAP = pigment {
image_map { tga concat("e:\\me\\me", str(clock*356,-3,0), .tga")
map_type 1 interpolate 2 }}
#declare PF = function {pigment { MAP }}
#declare Sphere = function { pow(x,x)+pow(y,y)+pow(z,z) }
#declare test =
isosurface {function {(1 - PF(x, y, z).grey) * 0.4 + Sphere(x, y, z)}
max_gradient 80
threshold 0.9
contained_by { sphere { 0, 0.999 } }
pigment { MAP }
finish { ambient 0.8 specular .2 diffuse 0.7 }
rnd_rotate() }
thanks for any help.
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> Here's the code from the scenes is in pbi - it no longer creates the
> I am after (nothing else has changed.)
Perhaps the code in the hfsphere.zip file in the page below could help.
- Graphic experiments
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Thanks, but I still see a large portion of the sphere when I use my image
map in hfsphere.pov
Plus, I am trying to determine if there have been any changes to the final
3.5 that could account for the differences (did you have a chance to check
pbi?) In the old version, you cannot see the sphere at all, which is what I
am after.
"Gilles Tran" <git### [at] wanadoo fr> wrote in message
> 3d7e6a39@news.povray.org...
> > Here's the code from the scenes is in pbi - it no longer creates the
> effect
> > I am after (nothing else has changed.)
> Perhaps the code in the hfsphere.zip file in the page below could help.
> http://www.oyonale.com/ressources/english/sources09.htm
> G.
> --
> **********************
> http://www.oyonale.com
> **********************
> - Graphic experiments
> - POV-Ray and Poser computer images
> - Posters
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"Dennis Miller" <dhm### [at] attbi com> wrote in message
> #declare Sphere = function { pow(x,x)+pow(y,y)+pow(z,z) }
This function should be
#declare Sphere = function { pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)+pow(z,2) }
Or use f_sphere function. It is much faster.
R. Suzuki
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Ah, yes, that was it. I forgot I had to change the old x^2.
Thanks so very much,
"R. Suzuki" <r-s### [at] aist go jp> wrote in message
> "Dennis Miller" <dhm### [at] attbi com> wrote in message
> news:3d7e6a39@news.povray.org...
> > #declare Sphere = function { pow(x,x)+pow(y,y)+pow(z,z) }
> This function should be
> #declare Sphere = function { pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)+pow(z,2) }
> Or use f_sphere function. It is much faster.
> R. Suzuki
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