Well, here's what I have for getting achieveing a constant velocity on a
spline. What I've been trying to do is find a way to find a time value on a
spline given a precentage of the total length. MINMAXtest explains what I
did briefly.
I admit I got a little depressed when ABX posted his solution to the problem
(cubic splines 5/15/02 or so). In essence we came up with the same
solution. I however was trying to minimize the number of control points on
the reference spline. I have spent entirely too much time on this and I
have a feeling I completely over engineered the problem.
Before I ramble on endlessly
I've included three files
MINMAXtestf is the example file, it shows the error reduction at work
Cubic_splines final is where my routines are (it's still a mess, sorry)
camera_functions is just a support file I use (I'm a lazy bastard)
MINMAX explains what the graph represents and with the supplied variables,
only took about a minute and a half to run. Increseing CONTROL and CUBE_DIM
will affect the test data (longer splines take longer to process). ACCURACY
and BAIL affect the accuracy of the actual routine, naturally larger =
that's enough for now.
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions and will be happy to answer any
again, I'm sorry about the messy state of the code, just havn't had the time
Chris J.
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Download 'camera_functions.inc.txt' (7 KB)
Download 'cubic_splines final1.inc.txt' (21 KB)
Download 'MINMAXtest f.pov.txt' (5 KB)