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Perhaps subject and some words are not the best - it's my English ...
I want achive color (1-Color) in this script :
#macro NegativeTexture(Color)
texture{pigment{color rgb (1-Color)}}
#declare Color=color rgb 1;
background{color Color}
object{MyObject NegativeTexture(Color)
and this cause MyObject invisible
and cause warning: Suspicious expression after rgb.
But after changing inside macro :
#macro NegativeTexture(Color)
#local MaxColor=color rgb 1;
texture{pigment{color rgb (MaxColor-Color)}}
rendering is fine but still with the same warning.
Is there any way to remove this warning ?
Is there any other proper way to calculate "negation" of color ?
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In article <3aa4e095@news.povray.org>, "Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba"
<abx### [at] abx art pl> wrote:
> rendering is fine but still with the same warning.
> Is there any way to remove this warning ?
#macro NegativeTexture(Color)
texture{pigment{color rgb < 1, 1, 1> - Color}}
Christopher James Huff
Personal: chr### [at] mac com, http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
TAG: chr### [at] tag povray org, http://tag.povray.org/
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Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> rendering is fine but still with the same warning.
> Is there any way to remove this warning ?
> Is there any other proper way to calculate "negation" of color ?
I also often stumble over that warning and find it quite senseless. It
also occurs with simple addition of colors and other stuff.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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On Tue, 6 Mar 2001 14:05:23 +0100, Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
>Is there any other proper way to calculate "negation" of color ?
You could say rgb <1-Color.red, 1-Color.blue, 1-Color-green>
Ron Parker http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
My opinions. Mine. Not anyone else's.
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Ron Parker wrote in message ...
> >Is there any other proper way to calculate "negation" of color ?
> You could say rgb <1-Color.red, 1-Color.blue, 1-Color-green>
thanks for answers
it seems first version my modelling environment is ready
see at p.b.i and p.b.u
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