POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : DXF Conversion Server Time
19 Mar 2025 23:15:18 EDT (-0400)
  DXF Conversion (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: David Vincent-Jones
Subject: DXF Conversion
Date: 26 Nov 2000 21:04:02
Message: <3a21c112@news.povray.org>
Are there any programs that will make MESH form data out of .DXF files ?

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From: Margus Ramst
Subject: Re: DXF Conversion
Date: 26 Nov 2000 22:01:31
Message: <3A21CEE7.5846528D@peak.edu.ee>
David Vincent-Jones wrote:
> Are there any programs that will make MESH form data out of .DXF files ?

You mean the POV mesh format?
The 3DWin converter should do it:

It will output .POV, .INC and .UDO (Moray object) files, the mesh itself should
be in the .INC file.

Margus Ramst

Personal e-mail: mar### [at] peakeduee
TAG (Team Assistance Group) e-mail: mar### [at] tagpovrayorg

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