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Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
This is simplest form of my equation
resolved by hand. MathCAD can't help me.
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Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
> (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> This is simplest form of my equation
> resolved by hand. MathCAD can't help me.
My TI-89 returned the same thing, so I'm assuming it can't be done.
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery: http://davidf.faricy.net/
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Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
Sorry I can't do it algebraically
> (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> This is simplest form of my equation resolved by hand. MathCAD can't
> help me.
When algebra doesn't work try a numerical method - the philosophy behind
the isosurface object.
What is MathCAD?
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Pabs wrote:
> Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> > Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
> Sorry I can't do it algebraically
> > (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> > This is simplest form of my equation resolved by hand. MathCAD can't
> > help me.
> When algebra doesn't work try a numerical method - the philosophy behind
> the isosurface object.
> What is MathCAD?
A nice program like Mathematica that WON'T PRINT ON MY COMPUTER!!! Aargh.
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery: http://davidf.faricy.net/
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: looking for symbolic solution
Date: 22 Nov 2000 03:02:38
Message: <3a1b7d9e@news.povray.org>
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> > Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
> Sorry I can't do it algebraically
> > (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> > This is simplest form of my equation resolved by hand. MathCAD can't
> > help me.
> When algebra doesn't work try a numerical method - the philosophy
> the isosurface object.
but this solution is needed to achive isosurface equation :-(
> What is MathCAD?
very pretty program
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: looking for symbolic solution
Date: 22 Nov 2000 03:07:27
Message: <3a1b7ebf@news.povray.org>
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David Fontaine wrote in message <3A1AE43B.8767F6EC@faricy.net>...
> > (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> My TI-89 returned the same thing, so I'm assuming it can't be done.
but there must be one solution
or mistake in my transformations of equations :-(
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A little simpler is to note the identity
cos(x)-sin(x) == sqrt(2) * cos(x + pi/4)
I don't know if this helps ...
Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> > > (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> > > This is simplest form of my equation resolved by hand. MathCAD can't
> > > help me.
Bye for now,
Mike Andrews.
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As this equation involves transcendantal functions, I'm afraid there's
no symbolic solution for it.
Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
> (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> This is simplest form of my equation
> resolved by hand. MathCAD can't help me.
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Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote in message <3a1aade3$1@news.povray.org>...
>Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
>This is simplest form of my equation
>resolved by hand. MathCAD can't help me.
Try graphing it and looking at the graph of the equation to find the zeros.
I'm fairly sure that the function cannot be solved for x, so if you need the
solution for x rather than the zeros, you're out of luck.
"The derivative of sin(2x) is cos(2x)" - Matt Giwer
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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: looking for symbolic solution
Date: 23 Nov 2000 06:02:49
Message: <3a1cf959@news.povray.org>
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Mark Wagner wrote in message <3a1ccd92@news.povray.org>...
> Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba wrote in message <3a1aade3$1@news.povray.org>...
> >Is there any person who can solve this for x ?
> >
> > (A*x-B)(cosx-sinx)=C
> Try graphing it and looking at the graph of the equation to find the
> I'm fairly sure that the function cannot be solved for x, so if you
need the
> solution for x rather than the zeros, you're out of luck.
My equation could be transformated to:
(Ay+B)^2 * (1+sin(2*y)) = D^2
where A,B,D are not the same like at first and y=-x
there is simple but useless symbolic solution for this
using Taylor's formula we can describe sin as
sin(x)=sum(n:=0;n->infinity; (-1)^n * x^(2*n+1) / (2*n+1)!
this provide me to infinite exponent in equation
but this could be aproximated with finite n
for example Maple resolved it
where the last part O((B-D)^6) is the rest
with small B-D error will be small
I'm sure that there is one exact result in special range of A,B,D but
currently I work with completly different method of resolve my problem
therefore probably I will not profit from calculated result. Thanks to
all for effort.
ABX at babilon org
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