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Can somebody tell me how to get the following concept to work...
macro ShapeMacro(Nums,Data)
prism{ linear_sweep linear_spline 0,70,Nums,Data texture
{pigment{color Red}}}
# object {ShapeMacro (4),(<2107,1480>,<2105,1481>,<2104,1480>,<2107,1480> )}
The problem occurs in trying to split the number of sides and the data
Is there a way around this ?
I have a very long list of objects that will be generated by an outside
source and need to use a macro format rather than building each element
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David Vincent-Jones wrote:
>Can somebody tell me how to get the following concept to work...
>macro ShapeMacro(Nums,Data)
> prism{ linear_sweep linear_spline 0,70,Nums,Data texture
>{pigment{color Red}}}
> #end
># object {ShapeMacro
>(4),(<2107,1480>,<2105,1481>,<2104,1480>,<2107,1480> )}
>The problem occurs in trying to split the number of sides and the data
>Is there a way around this ?
Using arrays may be an option:
#macro ShapeMacro(DataArray)
#local Num=dimension_size(DataArray,1)
prism {
#local i=0;
#while (i<Num)
#local i=i+1;
pigment{color rgb 1}
#declare DataArr=array [5]{
object {ShapeMacro(DataArr)}
>I have a very long list of objects that will be generated by an outside
>source and need to use a macro format rather than building each element
If the outside source is an appropriatly formatted textfile you can read
it with povray, within the prism statement
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
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On Mon, 2 Oct 2000 11:19:24 +0200, "David Vincent-Jones" <geo### [at] galaxynet com>
>Can somebody tell me how to get the following concept to work...
>macro ShapeMacro(Nums,Data)
> prism{ linear_sweep linear_spline 0,70,Nums,Data texture
>{pigment{color Red}}}
> #end
># object {ShapeMacro (4),(<2107,1480>,<2105,1481>,<2104,1480>,<2107,1480> )}
>The problem occurs in trying to split the number of sides and the data
>Is there a way around this ?
I would do it by using arrays of vectors. If you do it this way you can let the
macro decide how many points you have in the prism.
I have posted an example in p.b.s-f
dav### [at] hamiltonite com
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