scuse my lamentable english...
I have found a little error in User's Documentation (May 1999). In
chapter "Poly, Cubic and Quartic", in the table of polynomials terms.
In the lines A3 and A4, for the 7th order, the values hare 'x5z' and
'x5'. The rigth values hare 'x6z' and 'x6'.
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On Wed, 07 Jun 2000 09:39:24 +0200, Francis DELANATIVITE
<fra### [at] atermes fr> wrote:
>I have found a little error in User's Documentation (May 1999). In
>chapter "Poly, Cubic and Quartic", in the table of polynomials terms.
>In the lines A3 and A4, for the 7th order, the values hare 'x5z' and
>'x5'. The rigth values hare 'x6z' and 'x6'.
Thank you, Francis, I'll let the Team know about it.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] usa net
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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