Hey dude! I feel your pain. Here's a reasonable alternative to media. Works
best for sunset or evening pics.
#declare Color = <1,.625,.25>
#declare LightColor = (Color+.5)/2
fog {fog_type 2 distance 150000 rgb LightColor transmit .25
fog_offset 0
fog_alt 2500
fog {
distance 1500 rgb <.9,.85,1>/2 transmit .175
#declare Bright = 24
#declare DesertSky =
sphere {0,1
//Back Drop
texture {
finish {ambient 2 diffuse 0}
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[0 rgb 1.5*Bright*Color]
[.5 rgb <.5,.675,1>/2]
scale 1/<2,.5,2>
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
pigment {
color_map {
[.5 rgb <.5,.675,1> transmit 1 ]
[1 rgb 1*Bright*Color transmit .45]
translate 1
scale .5
turbulence <2,1,2>
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>}
scale 1/10
lambda 2
scale <1,.75,1>
scale .25
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
pigment {
color_map {
[.5 rgb <.5,.675,1> transmit 1 ]
[1 rgb 1*Bright*Color transmit .45]
translate 1
scale .25
turbulence 1
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>}
scale 1/10
lambda 4
scale <1,.75,1>
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
//Back Shadow
pigment {
color_map {
[.65 rgb <.375,.5,1> transmit 1]
[.85 rgb 2*Bright*Color]
turbulence .25
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>/4}
scale 1/10
scale .25
translate -.025*y
translate .05*x
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
//Light Part
pigment {
pigment_map {
[.65 rgb <.5,.675,1>/1.5 transmit 1]
[.775 bozo color_map {[0 rgb .875][1 rgb 2*Bright*Color]} turbulence .5 scale
turbulence .25
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>/4}
scale 1/10
scale .25
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
//Dark Part
pigment {
color_map {
[.65 rgb <.5,.675,1> transmit 1]
[.975 rgb 0 ]
turbulence .25
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>/4}
scale 1/10
scale .25
translate -.06*y
translate .1*x
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient .5 diffuse 0}
//Back Shadow
pigment {
color_map {
[.65 rgb <.375,.5,1> transmit 1]
[.85 rgb 2*Bright*Color]
turbulence .375
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>/3}
scale 1/10
scale .125
translate -.025*y
translate .05*x
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient .5 diffuse 0}
//Light Part
pigment {
pigment_map {
[.65 rgb <.5,.675,1>/1.5 transmit 1]
[.775 bozo color_map {[0 rgb .875][1 rgb 4*Bright*Color]} turbulence .5 scale
turbulence .375
scale .125
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient .5 diffuse 0}
//Dark Part
pigment {
color_map {
[.65 rgb <.5,.675,1> transmit 1]
[.975 rgb <.1,.1,.2> transmit .675/2]
turbulence .375
scale 10
warp {turbulence <2,1,2>/3}
scale 1/10
scale .125
translate -.05*y
translate .08*x
scale .5
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[0 rgb <.5,.675,1>*1.5 transmit .25]
[.25 rgb <.5,.675,1>/1.5 transmit 1]
texture {
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
pigment {
rgb <.25,.25,1>/4 transmit .25}
scale 2000000
scale <4,.5,4>
hollow on
object {DesertSky rotate 45*y scale -x}
Do hope this helps.
H.E. Day
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