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Can anyone give me a formula for a vertical isosurface cone shape?
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In article <38bed613@news.povray.org>, "Mick Hazelgrove"
<mha### [at] minda swinternet co uk> wrote:
> Can anyone give me a formula for a vertical isosurface cone shape?
Try something like:
function {sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(z)) - abs(y)}
threshold 0
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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> Can anyone give me a formula for a vertical isosurface cone shape?
> Mick
This is what I came up with:
isosurface {
function { x^2 + z^2 - (y-1)^2/2 }
contained_by { box { -<sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2)>, <sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2)> } }
threshold 0
pigment { rgb 1 }
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In article <chrishuff_99-553B14.16260102032000@news.povray.org>, Chris
Huff <chr### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> In article <38bed613@news.povray.org>, "Mick Hazelgrove"
> <mha### [at] minda swinternet co uk> wrote:
> > Can anyone give me a formula for a vertical isosurface cone shape?
> Try something like:
> function {sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(z)) - abs(y)}
> threshold 0
I forgot something...if you want to set the limits on the cone length,
you can use something like:
#declare HeightA = -1.2;
#declare Length = 1;
function {
(sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(z)) - abs(y))
threshold 0
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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thanks all - that'll do it
"Jetlag" <bga### [at] microsoft com> wrote in message
> > Can anyone give me a formula for a vertical isosurface cone shape?
> >
> > Mick
> This is what I came up with:
> isosurface {
> function { x^2 + z^2 - (y-1)^2/2 }
> contained_by { box { -<sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2)>, <sqrt(2), 1, sqrt(2)> } }
> threshold 0
> pigment { rgb 1 }
> }
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