I haven't been POV'ing long so if I've overlooked some option let me know,
Is it simple enough to add my own texture pattern to POV, or more likely a
patched version? As I work (? play) more and more with POV I'm finding that
I'm a texture _maniac_, and I need total control over color placement. I've
tried material maps with color & bump maps, and layered textures, but I _need_
more. Hopefully the solution is relatively easy(eg. a function of megapov that
will let me define my own 3d map), but elsewise, I'm a resonably competent
atprogramming and will glady take up the challenge of adding my own patch.
TIA for any comments/direction.
David Curtis.
mic### [at] sympatico ca
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In article <38ba5407@news.povray.org>, spa### [at] junkmail com (David
Curtis) wrote:
> Is it simple enough to add my own texture pattern to POV, or more
> likely a patched version? As I work (? play) more and more with POV
> I'm finding that I'm a texture _maniac_, and I need total control
> over color placement. I've tried material maps with color & bump
> maps, and layered textures, but I _need_ more. Hopefully the solution
> is relatively easy(eg. a function of megapov that will let me define
> my own 3d map), but elsewise, I'm a resonably competent at
> programming and will glady take up the challenge of adding my own
> patch.
Simply adding a pattern is fairly easy, but MegaPOV has a feature that
might do what you want: the function pattern. It allows you to specify
an equation(of the same kind used in isosurfaces) that will be used as a
pigment {function {sqrt(sqr(x) + sqr(y) + sqr(z))*sin(x)}
color_map {...}
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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