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how do i do the fallowing in megapov
blurr a reflection
turn a solid mesh on so i can use refraction
use blinn shading
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reflection_blur 0.5 blur_samples 5
blinn 0.5 facets 0.5 // amount and size, larger facets is larger highlight
I'm not sure about the solid mesh but both 'mesh' and 'mesh2' are supposed to be
capable of CSG if the mesh is closed. Other than that there's 'inside_vector'
which you can set the ray tracing direction to test for the inside and out. You
use a vector after the keyword to specify which is to be checked. But I don't
know anything about it, someone else will have to answer.
"Noah A" <vip### [at] powersurfr com> wrote in message
| how do i do the fallowing in megapov
| blurr a reflection
| turn a solid mesh on so i can use refraction
| use blinn shading
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Noah A wrote:
> turn a solid mesh on so i can use refraction
Methinks you are confusing two things here. Refraction works with any object,
regardless of whether it has a well defined interior. If the object has holes in
it (i.e. the surface is not closed) refraction will look weird. But the only way
to fix this is to close the hole.
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don't forget that you need to specify an ior value
in interior {} before this will have an effect.
Bob Hughes wrote:
> finish
> {
> reflection_blur 0.5 blur_samples 5
> blinn 0.5 facets 0.5 // amount and size, larger facets is larger highlight
> }
Mr. Art
"Often the appearance of reality is more important
than the reality of the appearance."
Bill DeWitt 2000
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In article <38D523F6.CA1ED4D9@gci.net>, "mr.art" <mr.### [at] gci net>
> don't forget that you need to specify an ior value
> in interior {} before this will have an effect.
You don't need an ior value for blurred reflection to work. They are not
related. The only time ior is used in reflections is for the fresnel
function in angle-dependant reflection, which is activated by using
"reflection_type 1" in the finish.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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From the documents ( and I quote):
The phong and specular highlighting models available in POV-Ray are
alright, but they are quite simplified models. A better model has been
developed over the years. This is the Torrance-Sparrow-Blinn-Cook
microfacet highlight model.
Blinn highlights (as they will be called) uses statistical methods to
simulate microfacets on the surface to produce the highlight. The model
uses the fresnel reflectivity equation, which determines reflectivity
from the IOR (index of refraction) of the material. For this reason, you
must use an interior with an IOR if you want to use blinn highlights.
As with phong and specular, the size blinn highlights can be adjusted.
To do this, use the facets keyword. The float value following this
keyword specifies the average (r.m.s.) slope of the microfacets. A low
value means shallow microfacets, which leads to small highlights. A high
value means high slope (very bumpy), which leads to large, soft
sphere {
0.0, 1
texture {
pigment {radial frequency 8}
finish{ blinn 1 facets .2 }
interior {
ior 20 // this is a guess for IOR
Chris Huff wrote:
> In article <38D523F6.CA1ED4D9@gci.net>, "mr.art" <mr.### [at] gci net>
> wrote:
> > don't forget that you need to specify an ior value
> > in interior {} before this will have an effect.
> You don't need an ior value for blurred reflection to work. They are not
> related. The only time ior is used in reflections is for the fresnel
> function in angle-dependant reflection, which is activated by using
> "reflection_type 1" in the finish.
> --
> Chris Huff
> e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
> Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
Mr. Art
"Often the appearance of reality is more important
than the reality of the appearance."
Bill DeWitt 2000
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In article <38D67E11.6FFFCF4A@gci.net>, "mr.art" <mr.### [at] gci net>
> From the documents ( and I quote):
> The phong and specular highlighting models ...
Ok, I thought you were talking about blurred reflection, which is not
affected by ior.
> The model uses the fresnel reflectivity equation, which determines
> reflectivity from the IOR (index of refraction) of the material.
Hmm, I wonder how much this differs from using fresnel type
reflection(reflection_type 1, as I remember).
Christopher James Huff
Personal e-mail: chr### [at] yahoo com
TAG(Technical Assistance Group) e-mail: chr### [at] tag povray org
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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Chris Huff <chr### [at] yahoo com> wrote...
> Hmm, I wonder how much this differs from using fresnel type
> reflection(reflection_type 1, as I remember).
Blinn highlights use the same fresnel equation that reflection_type 1 uses.
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A recent d/l has got me wondering:
This Blinn, is he J. F. Blinn and is
he the one that developed blobs for
molecular modeling? My comupter graphics
history is very shaky.
"mr.art" wrote:
> From the documents ( and I quote):
> The phong and specular highlighting models available in POV-Ray are
> alright, but they are quite simplified models. A better model has been
> developed over the years. This is the Torrance-Sparrow-Blinn-Cook
> microfacet highlight model.
Mr. Art
"Often the appearance of reality is more important
than the reality of the appearance."
Bill DeWitt 2000
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