Eitan Tal <eit### [at] netvision net il> wrote:
: Hi all! I looked at that shape under the insert/shape menu, I looked for
: any sample for it, but I didn't find anything. can anyone send me a pov
: file that is a sample of this shape, with // notes?
camera { location <8,20,-10>*.7 look_at x*.01 angle 35 }
light_source { <100,200,20> 1 }
background { rgb y }
{ 5,
clipped_by { box { <-4,-4,-1><4,4,1> } } bounded_by { clipped_by }
pigment { rgb <1,.7,.3> } finish { specular .5 }
rotate <0,90,-90>
Sorry, no comments. It would require a complete tutorial to explain it.
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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