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Hi! I'm trying to spruce up my web page with some POV-Ray 3D art. I have
created an object, but would like to repeat the object in a double-helix
pattern. It's stupid, a union of text "0101" objects, I can only manage to
string them in a straight line!! (Imagine that!) It looks like a lame binary
ladder right now. How can I get it to twist?
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James Cannon <jam### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
: Hi! I'm trying to spruce up my web page with some POV-Ray 3D art. I have
: created an object, but would like to repeat the object in a double-helix
: pattern. It's stupid, a union of text "0101" objects, I can only manage to
: string them in a straight line!! (Imagine that!) It looks like a lame binary
: ladder right now. How can I get it to twist?
For example this way:
#declare ObjectsAmnt=100;
#declare MaxAngle=360;
#declare MaxHeight=20;
#declare Radius=5;
#declare ind=0;
#declare fact=ind/(ObjectsAmnt-1);
#declare Angle=MaxAngle*fact;
#declare Height=MaxHeight*fact;
object { MyObject translate -z*Radius+y*Height rotate y*Angle }
#declare ind=ind+1;
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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Thanks! It worked out. I had not used a #while before, so I learned two
things. It really shortened my scene file. I had a whole bunch of
object {
translate ...
rotate ..
I didn't understand the formula, but after experimenting with different
things (Height), I was able to get something going. Thanks.
Nieminen Juha wrote in message <38887ed5@news.povray.org>...
>James Cannon <jam### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
>: Hi! I'm trying to spruce up my web page with some POV-Ray 3D art. I have
>: created an object, but would like to repeat the object in a double-helix
>: pattern. It's stupid, a union of text "0101" objects, I can only manage
>: string them in a straight line!! (Imagine that!) It looks like a lame
>: ladder right now. How can I get it to twist?
> For example this way:
>#declare ObjectsAmnt=100;
>#declare MaxAngle=360;
>#declare MaxHeight=20;
>#declare Radius=5;
>#declare ind=0;
> #declare fact=ind/(ObjectsAmnt-1);
> #declare Angle=MaxAngle*fact;
> #declare Height=MaxHeight*fact;
> object { MyObject translate -z*Radius+y*Height rotate y*Angle }
> #declare ind=ind+1;
>):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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