POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Animating a RMF Server Time
22 Mar 2025 11:11:41 EDT (-0400)
  Animating a RMF (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: TonyB
Subject: Animating a RMF
Date: 23 Dec 1999 21:13:22
Message: <3862d6c2@news.povray.org>
How can I animate a ridged multifractal? I am trying to make water, and I
would like to know what I can do to make it move like sea water, with the
little bumps moving up and down and, well you know, and hopefully in a
loopable fashion. Thanks in advance, oh, math geniuses.

BTW: H=1, L=5, Oc=2, Of=1, and G=10.

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