The following scene was rendered under linux and windows. The linux
version rendered a white table whereas it should be bumpy and blue.
Pov-Ray for windows (3.1e) rendered it correctly. I downloaded the
latest linux version, but the result was still the same. The images are
posted @ binareies.images. Here's the source:
camera {
location <0.0 , 2.0 ,-5.0>
look_at <0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0>
sphere {y, .5 pigment {colour x}}
light_source { <-2, 2, -2>*1000 colour 1}
light_source {<2, 5, 2>*1000 colour 1}
// the table
box { <-5, -1, -5 >*100 <5, 0, 5>*100
pigment {colour rgb <.8,.8,1>}
finish {
diffuse .9
reflection .2
brilliance .4
specular 1
roughness 0.2
ambient .05
normal {
bump_map {
gif "surface.gif"
map_type 0
interpolate 2
bump_size 0.03
scale 2
rotate 10*y
// the room
box {<-1, -.02, -1> 1
texture {
pigment {
color_map {
[ 0.0 rgb <0.16, 0.55, 0.27> ]
[ 0.11 rgb <0.42, 0.58, 0.13> ]
[ 0.27 rgb <0.016, 0.49, 0.38> ]
[ 0.47 rgb <0.0, 0.50, 1.0> ]
[ 0.79 rgb <0.37, 0.48, 0.54> ]
[ 1.0 rgb <0.46, 0.39, 0.14> ]
turbulence 0.075
lambda 2.52
translate 1.0 * x
finish {
ambient 0.2
brilliance 0.526
specular 1.0
roughness 0.0001
scale 5600
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