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The manual talks about sys files (ie. .bmp under Windows)
Is there an implementation in any version or is it just a pipe dream?
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Umm, this is an actual feature...the manual tells you how to use it. Why
would the manual document a feature which doesn't exist?
It is .bmp on Windows, PICT on Macintosh, etc. I don't use it because it
varies from system to system, but I prefer to use tga or png anyway.
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I always had difficulty with this setting until ver 3.1 came out. Now,
it seems to work fine. I probably just didn't do it correctly in the
previous version, because it was in the documentation, so it should have
David Vincent-Jones wrote:
> The manual talks about sys files (ie. .bmp under Windows)
> Is there an implementation in any version or is it just a pipe dream?
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No, from what I saw in version 3.0 to 3.02 it didn't seem to use Bmp without
some potential flaws occurring. I'd get partial bitmaps showing up or even
totally distorted image maps. Tried 8bit and 24bit yet never could count on
it working right so I dropped using them.
Be aware that discrepancies do exist in the documentation or help files.
Glad to here Bmp is working for you though, time to retry it myself then,
although Windows Bmp format is not an efficient format.
Sean Worle <swo### [at] insurquote com> wrote in message
> I always had difficulty with this setting until ver 3.1 came out. Now,
> it seems to work fine. I probably just didn't do it correctly in the
> previous version, because it was in the documentation, so it should have
> worked.
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