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Does anyone know if it is possible to calculate the Mandelbrot set in 3D,
and if this is possible to render with POV?
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<ake### [at] goteborg mail telia com> wrote:
>Does anyone know if it is possible to calculate the Mandelbrot set in 3D,
>and if this is possible to render with POV?
You're lucky, two minutes ago I was looking at Mark's post looking for
the formula that he posted there so that I can give it to Warp for his
fractal patch, so here I am with this thing in the clipboard:
#declare Rn = (R*R-I*I)+X;
#declare In = (2*R*I-J*J)+Y;
#declare Jn= (2*J*I+2*J*R)+Z;
The relevant thread is called "3D Mandelbrot set" started by Mark
Wagner on Oct. 1 in p.b.i. I hope this answers your question :)
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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On Tue, 02 Nov 1999 16:40:15 -0800, Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote:
>Even luckier since I have two versions available:
> //Warp's shortest mandelbrot shape code
> camera{location<1,2,2>look_at 0}light_source{z*9+y*9,1}#local Z=-1;#while(Z<1)
> #local X=-2;#while(X<1)#local r=X;#local i=Z;#local n=0;#while(n<1&r*r+i*i<4)
> #local a=2*r*i+Z;#local r=r*r-i*i+X;#local i=a;#local n=n+.05;#end sphere{
> <X,n/2,Z>.02 pigment{rgb<1,n,0>}}#local X=X+.02;#end#local Z=Z+.02;#end
> //Mark Wagner's slightly longer code
> camera{location<yes,yes+on,yes+true> look_at -u }light_source{9-9*x
> yes}#declare Z=-true;#while(Z<on)#declare X=-2;#while(X<true)#declare
> r=X;#local i=Z;#version clock;#while((version<true)&(((r*r)+(i*i))<4))#local
> a=((2*r*i)+Z);#local r=((r*r)-(i*i)+X);#local i=a;#version
> (version+.05);#end sphere{<(X),(.5*version),(Z)>.02 pigment{ color
> ((z*version)+v+(x*(1-version)))}}#declare X=(X+.02);#end#local
> Z=(Z+.02);#end
These are 2D M-Sets, Ken. There already is such a pattern in POV
are three parts of Z, namely R, I and J.
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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Peter Popov wrote:
> <ake### [at] goteborg mail telia com> wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >Does anyone know if it is possible to calculate the Mandelbrot set in 3D,
> >and if this is possible to render with POV?
> >
> >Regards,
> You're lucky, two minutes ago I was looking at Mark's post looking for
> the formula that he posted there so that I can give it to Warp for his
> fractal patch, so here I am with this thing in the clipboard:
You might find this interesting. This was just submitted to the links
collection and looks interesting at least for those interested in fractal
based programs.
Fractal Programs - A number of Win32 (fractal) programs by Terry Gintz,
one (FractalZPlot) being especially interesting because of the ability
to convert the z-buffer information of its 3d-fractal types to Wavefront
OBJ-format. These in turn can be converted by one of the many conversion
programs available to povray format for rendering of the 3D fractal object.
Ken Tyler - 1100+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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Peter Popov wrote:
> These are 2D M-Sets, Ken.
Ok fine ! Last time I try to help someone around here again.
Ken Tyler - 1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/
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Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> writes:
> Peter Popov wrote:
> > These are 2D M-Sets, Ken.
> Ok fine ! Last time I try to help someone around here again.
I hope there is a smiley missing...
Version: 2.6.2i
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Peter Popov <pet### [at] usa net> wrote:
: #declare Rn = (R*R-I*I)+X;
: #declare In = (2*R*I-J*J)+Y;
: #declare Jn= (2*J*I+2*J*R)+Z;
Where does this formula come from? Is the formula for Jn just a randomly
chosen one?
What's the bailout value?
):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/
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Thomas Willhalm <tho### [at] willhalm de> wrote in message
news:qqm### [at] goldach fmi uni-konstanz de...
> Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> writes:
> > Peter Popov wrote:
> >
> > > These are 2D M-Sets, Ken.
> >
> > Ok fine ! Last time I try to help someone around here again.
> I hope there is a smiley missing...
Irony is such a difficult thing...
+47 90 62 71 78 DoD#2101, NIC#015, Ducati M600, PJ#006, OGM#007
azo### [at] dod no, "Do one thing every day that scares you." --Mary Schmich
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On Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:29:17 -0800, Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote:
>Peter Popov wrote:
>> These are 2D M-Sets, Ken.
>Ok fine ! Last time I try to help someone around here again.
Nah, we won't let you quit, Ken :) . Frankly, we need you. And yeah,
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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On Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:15:24 -0800, Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> wrote:
> You might find this interesting. This was just submitted to the links
>collection and looks interesting at least for those interested in fractal
>based programs.
>Fractal Programs - A number of Win32 (fractal) programs by Terry Gintz,
>one (FractalZPlot) being especially interesting because of the ability
>to convert the z-buffer information of its 3d-fractal types to Wavefront
>OBJ-format. These in turn can be converted by one of the many conversion
>programs available to povray format for rendering of the 3D fractal object.
Now this is definitely worth checking out! I will do so as soon as I
get online. Deform_Mesh, here I come!
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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