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Hello everyone,
I am in good progression with wine texture!
The following simple code already give better result than without media!
{color rgbf <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
{ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.2
specular 0.2
roughness 0.005
reflection 0.2
{ ior 1.4
{samples 1,10
absorption rgb <0.27, 1.0, 1.0>
But I have a problem and a question:
1)What I must do to have a shadow create by the wine which have a red
color (like filter do in pigment statement!)
2) What's append if I write: absorption rgbf <0.27, 1.0, 1.0,0.8>
instead of absorption rgb <0.27, 1.0, 1.0> (I have tried and see
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Fabian Brau wrote:
> 1)What I must do to have a shadow create by the wine which have a red
> color (like filter do in pigment statement!)
This absorbing media should be red _and_ produce a red shadow. Isn't that so
> 2) What's append if I write: absorption rgbf <0.27, 1.0, 1.0,0.8>
> instead of absorption rgb <0.27, 1.0, 1.0> (I have tried and see
> nothing!)
Filter and transmit have no effect on media. The transparency of the media is
controlled by its density, which in turn is controlled by the rgb value. The rgb
value can be anything, it's not limited to the 0-1 range. For example
<27,100,100> is the same colour media, but much denser, i.e. less transparent.
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> 1)What I must do to have a shadow create by the wine which have a red
> color (like filter do in pigment statement!)
Use filter in your object, but you've already done that (color rgbf <1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0>), so that's not a problem
> 2) What's append if I write: absorption rgbf <0.27, 1.0, 1.0,0.8>
> instead of absorption rgb <0.27, 1.0, 1.0> (I have tried and see
> nothing!)
Your problem is that the media is too dense. Try starting with absorption
<0, 1, 1> and go from there.
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Good news:
The next release of UVPov (sometime within the next week, if all goes well)
will include some photon-media interaction. Although no photons will be
deposited in media yet, photons passing through scattering/absorbing media
will be attenuated.
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On Sun, 24 Oct 1999 01:04:19 -0400, "Nathan Kopp" <Nat### [at] Kopp com>
>Good news:
>The next release of UVPov (sometime within the next week, if all goes well)
>will include some photon-media interaction. Although no photons will be
>deposited in media yet, photons passing through scattering/absorbing media
>will be attenuated.
Good work Nathan, this has been a long-awaited update. Thank you
and... vive les photons!
Peter Popov
ICQ: 15002700
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