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In an attempt to store an array of points for use in Mr. Parker's torspline
macro I recieved the following error message:
From pov message window:
#declare Pts=array[Mx]{ <----ERROR
F:\3d\twirl2.pov:81: error: Attempt to malloc zero size block (File: ..\..\TOKENIZE.C
Line: 3396).
Que Pasa ?
Ken Tyler
Older Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/links.htm
Updated Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/bkmrk999.htm
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Ken wrote:
> In an attempt to store an array of points for use in Mr. Parker's torspline
> macro I recieved the following error message:
> From pov message window:
> #declare Pts=array[Mx]{ <----ERROR
> F:\3d\twirl2.pov:81: error: Attempt to malloc zero size block (File:
..\..\TOKENIZE.C Line: 3396).
> Que Pasa ?
Hmmm. Seems as if Mx is 0. It needs to get a valid size before used to make an array.
Was that in
your code, or his?
"My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks
But it was obsolete before I opened the box" - W.A.Y.
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"Jon A. Cruz" wrote:
> Ken wrote:
> > In an attempt to store an array of points for use in Mr. Parker's torspline
> > macro I recieved the following error message:
> >
> > From pov message window:
> >
> > #declare Pts=array[Mx]{ <----ERROR
> >
> > F:\3d\twirl2.pov:81: error: Attempt to malloc zero size block (File:
..\..\TOKENIZE.C Line: 3396).
> >
> > Que Pasa ?
> >
> Hmmm. Seems as if Mx is 0. It needs to get a valid size before used to make an
array. Was that in
> your code, or his?
In my code Mx is #declared as 12. I think I have is straightened out now I was
just wondering what a maloc error was.
Ken Tyler
Older Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/links.htm
Updated Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/bkmrk999.htm
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Ken <tyl### [at] pacbell net> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> In my code Mx is #declared as 12. I think I have is straightened out now I
> just wondering what a maloc error was.
maloc stands for Memory Allocation, and is a function from C which allocates
greetings Lars
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If you're using the latest Superpatch version 3.1g, malloc errors have been popping up
in regular meshes) due to a bug and Ron Parker has promised a fix. If you don't use
the Superpatch, I
have no clue.
Gilles Tran
Ken wrote:
> In an attempt to store an array of points for use in Mr. Parker's torspline
> macro I recieved the following error message:
> From pov message window:
> #declare Pts=array[Mx]{ <----ERROR
> F:\3d\twirl2.pov:81: error: Attempt to malloc zero size block (File:
..\..\TOKENIZE.C Line: 3396).
> Que Pasa ?
> --
> Ken Tyler
> Older Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/links.htm
> Updated Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/bkmrk999.htm
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On Tue, 10 Aug 1999 16:09:36 +0200, Gilles Tran wrote:
>If you're using the latest Superpatch version 3.1g, malloc errors have been popping
up (particularly
>in regular meshes) due to a bug and Ron Parker has promised a fix. If you don't use
the Superpatch, I
>have no clue.
Those show up as coming from parse.c. I think Ken mentioned that he had fixed
whatever was causing the problem, but I just wanted to clarify that whatever it
was, it was not due to that particular bug.
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