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i'm trying to scale an object for an animation where the object shrinks.
here is what i've tried:
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 2*(clock+.0001) }
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale -2*(clock+.0001) }
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/2 }
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/.5 }
the results are always an object that enlarges. does anyone know how i
would scale it to shrink with the clock value?
thanks in advance,
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Jason Dinger wrote in message <379d0a19@news.povray.org>...
>i'm trying to scale an object for an animation where the object
>here is what i've tried:
>sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 2*(clock+.0001) }
>sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale -2*(clock+.0001) }
>sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/2 }
>sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/.5 }
> the results are always an object that enlarges. does anyone know how i
>would scale it to shrink with the clock value?
scale (1-clock)*factor
when clock is 0 the result is 1*factor
as the clock progresses towards 1 this becomes closer to
So things will get smaller
Have Fun
me### [at] tesseract com au
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There's a completely different technique described in my tutorial "Advanced
POV Animation for Beginners" that allows the use of non-linear clocks as
well as multi-stages, compound clocks and complex paths. Scaling is of
course included in the effects. The tutorial is based on Chris Colefax's
Clock Modifier macro and is very easy to learn.
Jason Dinger wrote:
> i'm trying to scale an object for an animation where the object shrinks.
> here is what i've tried:
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 2*(clock+.0001) }
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale -2*(clock+.0001) }
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/2 }
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/.5 }
> the results are always an object that enlarges. does anyone know how i
> would scale it to shrink with the clock value?
> thanks in advance,
> jason
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Hej Jason,
here is what you did:
start of animation: clock=0
end of animation: clock=1
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 2*(clock+.0001) }
clock=0 scale 0.0002
clock=1 scale 2.0002
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale -2*(clock+.0001) }
clock=0 scale -0.0002
clock=1 scale -2.0002
(same as above but mirrored)
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/2 }
clock=0 scale 0.00005
clock=1 scale 0.50005
> sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (clock+.0001)/.5 }
exactly the same as number 1, because 1/.5=2
Here is what you could do:
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 1-clock }
clock=0 scale 1
clock=1 scale 0
slow in the beginning
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 1-clock*clock }
clock=0 scale 1
clock=1 scale 0
fast in the beginning
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale (1-clock)*(1-clock) }
clock=0 scale 1
clock=1 scale 0
slow in the beginning
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale cos(pi*clock) }
clock=0 scale 1
clock=1 scale 0
fast in the middle
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1} scale 0.5+0.5*cos(2*pi*clock) }
clock=0 scale 1
clock=1 scale 0
You can even further modify these examples by including the expression
after "clock" in the equation "pow(<expression>,p)" with different
values for p.
1<p => slower in the beginning, further acceleration to the end
0<p<1 => acceleration in the beginning, slowing down to the end
Or you could simply modify the range of the clock variable with the
commandline parameters "+KI" and "+KF"...
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