POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Triangles, meshes and bears, hah ha! Server Time
27 Mar 2025 20:23:53 EDT (-0400)
  Triangles, meshes and bears, hah ha! (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Matt Giwer
Subject: Triangles, meshes and bears, hah ha!
Date: 1 Jul 1999 05:15:50
Message: <377B31CF.F67ADF06@giwersworld.org>
It has been a very long, long time as in 15 years. But if anyone
wishes to look up the IEEE journal of the Computer Graphics group
I am certain you will find they were used because the math as
easist not because the results were good. 

	I have seen triangle mesh renderings and like single precision
math to an historical footnote. 

	One opinion only.



Finally up on 99/06/22 updated 06/30

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