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Does anyone know of or have pointers to distributed processing with POVRay?
Or if that fails are there any fellow code mongers out there that know how
hard this would be to add to the source.
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Dean Giberson wrote:
> Does anyone know of or have pointers to distributed processing with POVRay?
> Or if that fails are there any fellow code mongers out there that know how
> hard this would be to add to the source.
It has been down before. Check the following links for more info:
Plus one online service at:
Additionaly Joseph Strout(Stout ?) started a thread about this
subject on the comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing newgroup just
this week and would like to talk to anyone interested in the
develoment of a new implementatin for the current versions of
Pov. He is mainly in an information gathering stage now and
nothing is concrete as to whether it will come to be or not.
Ken Tyler
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You might want to submit this question and answer to the VFAQ since it seems
to come up frequently.
Check out my web site http://www.kressworks.com/
It'll blow your mind (politically), stimulate your senses (artistically)
and provide scientific insights beyond compare!
Ken wrote in message <371F8CD2.28E0AF88@pacbell.net>...
>Dean Giberson wrote:
>> Does anyone know of or have pointers to distributed processing with
>> Or if that fails are there any fellow code mongers out there that know
>> hard this would be to add to the source.
> It has been down before. Check the following links for more info:
>Plus one online service at:
>Additionaly Joseph Strout(Stout ?) started a thread about this
>subject on the comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing newgroup just
>this week and would like to talk to anyone interested in the
>develoment of a new implementatin for the current versions of
>Pov. He is mainly in an information gathering stage now and
>nothing is concrete as to whether it will come to be or not.
>Ken Tyler
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Jim Kress wrote:
> You might want to submit this question and answer to the VFAQ since it seems
> to come up frequently.
> --
> Jim
Funny. I had the exact same thought as I was writing this reply.
Even stranger is that the number of times I have now replied to
the same question you would think I would have thought of that
Warp ! Are you out there listening to this ?
Ken Tyler
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Ken wrote:
> Dean Giberson wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know of or have pointers to distributed processing with POVRay?
> > Or if that fails are there any fellow code mongers out there that know how
> > hard this would be to add to the source.
> It has been down before. Check the following links for more info:
> Cmaster
> http://www.student.hig.se/~kp97gbc/povpage/index.html
> DistPov
> http://www.cus.umist.ac.uk/~ivarch/linux/distpov.html
> PvmPov
> http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/6386/pvmpov/index.html
> Plus one online service at:
> http://manson.ddns.org/webpovray/index.html
> Additionaly Joseph Strout(Stout ?) started a thread about this
> subject on the comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing newgroup just
> this week and would like to talk to anyone interested in the
> develoment of a new implementatin for the current versions of
> Pov. He is mainly in an information gathering stage now and
> nothing is concrete as to whether it will come to be or not.
And I have more of a WAN-oriented version underway at
Now that things are taken care of like deadlines at work, getting taxes in,
getting going with Linux at home (finally)... work is once again in progress.
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Jon A. Cruz wrote:
> Ken wrote:
> > Dean Giberson wrote:
> > >
> > > Does anyone know of or have pointers to distributed processing with POVRay?
> > > Or if that fails are there any fellow code mongers out there that know how
> > > hard this would be to add to the source.
> >
> > It has been down before. Check the following links for more info:
> >
> > Cmaster
> > http://www.student.hig.se/~kp97gbc/povpage/index.html
> >
> > DistPov
> > http://www.cus.umist.ac.uk/~ivarch/linux/distpov.html
> >
> > PvmPov
> > http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/6386/pvmpov/index.html
> >
> > Plus one online service at:
> > http://manson.ddns.org/webpovray/index.html
> >
> > Additionaly Joseph Strout(Stout ?) started a thread about this
> > subject on the comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing newgroup just
> > this week and would like to talk to anyone interested in the
> > develoment of a new implementatin for the current versions of
> > Pov. He is mainly in an information gathering stage now and
> > nothing is concrete as to whether it will come to be or not.
> And I have more of a WAN-oriented version underway at
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/4453/rfarm/
> Now that things are taken care of like deadlines at work, getting taxes in,
> getting going with Linux at home (finally)... work is once again in progress.
Thanks for the tip Jon. Is this in cooperation with the work being
done by Nigel Stewart for the the IMP or is this a seperate project
all together ? If this is a seperate project that would make it the
third or possibly the fourth such project that I know people are
working on to make an up to date distributed renderg process for
Pov. Sure is a lot of recent interest in this area !
Ken Tyler
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> > And I have more of a WAN-oriented version underway at
> > http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/4453/rfarm/
> >
> > Now that things are taken care of like deadlines at work, getting taxes in,
> > getting going with Linux at home (finally)... work is once again in progress.
> Thanks for the tip Jon. Is this in cooperation with the work being
> done by Nigel Stewart for the the IMP or is this a seperate project
> all together ?
Jon and I are doing seperate work - Jon is working top-down,
I'm working bottom-up, and sometime we'll meet-up and get
it all working. Jon is working on the scene distribution
aspects, network protocol, etc. I've been fiddling with
aspects of POV that could be useful for network rendering:
- File dependency determination, for a given frame of animation.
- Facility to use TAR files as read-only filesystem.
(Basically to break the tyranny of 8.3 filenames)
- Filesystem file queing mechanism for passive render-slave
mode. (Put all incoming INI's in the 'in' folder, output
gets dumped in 'out' folder)
I hope this clarifies things.
Nigel Stewart (nig### [at] eisa net au) http://www.eisa.net.au/~nigels/
Postgrad Research Student, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
All extremists should be taken out and shot.
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Nigel Stewart wrote:
> Jon and I are doing seperate work
> I hope this clarifies things.
> --
> Nigel Stewart (nig### [at] eisa net au) http://www.eisa.net.au/~nigels/
> Postgrad Research Student, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
> All extremists should be taken out and shot.
It did and thank you.
Ken Tyler
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