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Hi everyone,
I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
Just go to http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh and click the isosurface
manual in the navigation bar to the left.
I hope this manual will contribute to more and better use of the
isosurface objects.
Rene Smellenbergh
e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
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yvo wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
> Just go to http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh and click the isosurface
> manual in the navigation bar to the left.
> I hope this manual will contribute to more and better use of the
> isosurface objects.
> Enjoy
> Rene Smellenbergh
> --
> e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
> http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh
Thanks, Rene, for this very instructive manual.
Could you provide it as a zipped folder for download?
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That looks great, i would only suggest a 'next' link at the end of each
page and it would nice to have a zipped version for download.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
Homepage: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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This is an excellent manual which covers some new and intersting ground.
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On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:27:05 +0100, sme### [at] skynet be (yvo) wrote:
>I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
>Rene Smellenbergh
An excellent start.
Please add a description of the modulus function, e.g;
% : modulus operator; A%B returns the remainder after the integer division of
dav### [at] hamiltonite com
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yvo wrote:
> I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
Looks like a Belgian habit to write isosurface tutorials ;-)
I wrote two of these :
the "isosurfaces for the dummies"
or a more "serious" and complete one :
(search for "isosurfaces" in the summary, and click on the
Of course, if your french is as good as mijn nederlands, you won't
get far, but some examples and illustrations can be interesting.
Mail me if you find something useful.
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yvo wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
> Just go to http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh and click the isosurface
> manual in the navigation bar to the left.
> I hope this manual will contribute to more and better use of the
> isosurface objects.
> Enjoy
> Rene Smellenbergh
> --
> e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
> http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh
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Reinhard Rettelbach <re.### [at] freenet de> wrote:
> yvo wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
> >
> > Just go to http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh and click the isosurface
> > manual in the navigation bar to the left.
> > I hope this manual will contribute to more and better use of the
> > isosurface objects.
> >
> > Enjoy
> >
> > Rene Smellenbergh
> >
> > --
> > e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
> >
> > http://users.skynet.be/smellenbergh
> Thanks, Rene, for this very instructive manual.
> Could you provide it as a zipped folder for download?
> ReVerSi
Yes, if you go now to our home page, you will find a link on the
isosurface index page.
e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
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Christoph Hormann <Chr### [at] schunter etc tu-bs de> wrote:
> That looks great, i would only suggest a 'next' link at the end of each
> page and it would nice to have a zipped version for download.
> Christoph
I just added a 'navigation line' at the end of each page. This makes
live indead easier. Thanks for your hint!
And a zipped archive is available too now. Just look for it on the
isosurface index page.
e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
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David Wilkinson <dav### [at] blueyonder co uk> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:27:05 +0100, sme### [at] skynet be (yvo) wrote:
> >I have just finished the first version of an isosurface manual.
> >Rene Smellenbergh
> An excellent start.
> Please add a description of the modulus function, e.g;
> % : modulus operator; A%B returns the remainder after the integer
> division of
> A/B.
Somehow that part didn't get in the manual. Fixed now!
e-mail:sme### [at] skynet be
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