"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> I've got a diagram of where measured points should be along a CURVE that
> describes the profile of a solid edge.
I came late to this, After I reading all the other inputs, I thought I'd throw
my two cents in. I wrote a win program a long time ago to make prisms and
polygons for POV. PolPrm.exe it's at http://leroyw.byethost15.com with the rest
of my window program I wrote for POV.
I wrote in mainly so I could switch the between different types of prisms and
polygons as needed. It started as a simple project with limited options and a
small working area. After using for it awhile I started adding things to make
life easier. I put in a few predefined shapes, set it so I could dump the data
into an array file, and a bunch of little things.
The last time I upgraded, it started because someone in this forum wanted to
know how to make a circle out of a prism. I'd like to have that in PolPrm. So
after figuring out how to make the circle, I went on a building spree. I add
more curve shapes, made it where can split a shape in two, combine two shapes
into one,and finally made the long over due undo function. I swore that this was
the last upgrade.
When I saw your shape I said 'that would fit nicely in PolPrm'. You see PolPrm
still has a small working area 2*2 pov units square. Then reading all the
messages it seamed that what you wanted is the math or a least the conversation
went that way. But I went ahead and put a shape similar to yours in PolPrm and
play around with it. That's when I realize PolPrm wasn't really made for
precision. It make custom shapes very well.
Another thing I learned after reading all this forum messages is that the real
reason I wrote PolPrm is that I didn't want to the math every time I made a
Have Fun!
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