yesbird <sya### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Hi all !
> the user with some fast WebGL-based gizmos (bounding box, grid,light
> version of volume data) for fast camera positioning like here:
> https://threejs.org/examples/?q=volume#webgl_volume_perlin
> https://povlab.online/?scene=dicom.pov
> losing a quality ?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> YB
Off the top of my head, POV-Ray's media would get approximated by a procedural
function that governed the rgb values based on the <x, y, z> coordinates, and so
whatever method that threejs uses, or Shadertoy ought to give decent results.
Reading in a df3 file would seem to be the only bottleneck.
Are you looking to make it faster than the examples you linked to?
Or are you looking to find a way to render 3D volumes in POV-Ray faster than
whatever methods you're currently using?
- BW
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