POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Making Patterns with functions : Re: Making Patterns with functions Server Time
12 Oct 2024 17:33:53 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Making Patterns with functions  
From: ingo
Date: 23 Aug 2024 01:40:00
Message: <web.66c820a4d81b847917bac71e8ffb8ce3@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> Over the last 2 days, I've fallen down the mathematical pattern rabbit hole, and
> have been experimenting with all manner of what can be done with a simple
> pigment {function {}}
> statement.

An old one by Alex Kluchikov, not a simple function though:


// Alex Kluchikov, 2003
// mailto: klk### [at] ukrnet, akl### [at] mailru
// Feel free to modify/use in any form
include "functions.inc"

 location -5*z
 look_at 0

// we can get angle from gradient
#declare frad=function{

#declare fboz1=function{
 pattern{crackle form <1,0,0> scale 1}

#declare fboz2=function{
 pattern{bumps noise_generator 3 rotate 60 scale 1.2}

#declare fboz3=function{

#declare f1=function(x,y,z){
//gradient calculation
//   +clock*pi*2 // uncomment to animate

#declare f2=function(x,y,z){
//gradient calculation
//   +clock*pi*2 // uncomment to animate

#declare f3=function(x,y,z){
//gradient calculation
//   +clock*pi*2 // uncomment to animate

#declare curles_1=texture{pigment{
  scale .25}
  finish{ambient 1}

#declare curles_2=texture{pigment{
  color_map{[.45,color rgb 0][.55,color rgb 1]}
  scale .25}
  finish{ambient 1}

#declare curles_3=texture{pigment{
  color_map{[.45,color rgb 0][.55,color rgb 1]}
  scale .25}
  finish{ambient 1}

  //use curles_1, curles_2 or curles_2

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