Here is the file, no_image is in sphere.
#version 3.7;
#include "colors.inc"
#declare Camera_0 = camera {perspective angle 75 // front view
location <0.0 , 1.0 ,-3.0>
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0>}
#declare Photons = on;
#declare Interior =
interior {
fade_distance 2
fade_power 3
ior 1.45
dispersion .05
dispersion_samples 12
#macro PhotonBlock()
photons {
collect off
reflection off
refraction on
#declare Intensity = 12;
#declare L_Fade_Distance = 40;
#declare L_Fade_Power = 1;
#declare Area_Light=off;
#declare ALL = 1;//area light height (width?)
#declare ALW = 8;//area light width
#declare ALR = 5;//area light resolution
global_settings { ambient_light .1
assumed_gamma 1.3
max_trace_level 5
photons {spacing 0.0015} //0.015
light_source{< 0,0,30> White*Intensity
area_light x*ALL, z*ALW, ALR, ALR
adaptive 1
fade_distance L_Fade_Distance
fade_power L_Fade_Power
photons {refraction on reflection off}
// sky ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sky_sphere { pigment { gradient <0,1,0>
color_map { [0.00 srgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
[0.35 srgb <0.1,0.0,0.8>]
[0.65 srgb <0.1,0.0,0.8>]
[1.00 srgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
scale 2
} // end of pigment
} //end of skysphere
// ground -------------------------------------------------------------------
plane{ <0,1,0>, 0
texture{ pigment{ checker color srgb<.8,.8,.8> color srgb<0.5,0.5,0.5>*1}
} // end of texture
photons {collect on}
} // end of plane
//---------------------------- objects in scene ----------------------------
#declare GlassTex =
texture {
pigment {color srgbf <1, 1, 1, 1>}
finish {
reflection 0.05
specular 1
roughness 0.001
metallic on
irid {0.65 // contribution to overall color
thickness 0.8 // affects frequency, or "busy-ness"
turbulence 0.1 // Variance in film thickness
// sample sphere
sphere { <0,0,0>, 1.00
texture { GlassTex} // end of texture
interior {Interior}
no_image ///////////////////////
scale<1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,1.35,0>
} // end of sphere -----------------------------------
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